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Posts posted by ryeisnotcool2

  1. i know what a cnc is Mcfeely, true fact!

    it is just easier to afford a milling machine, true fact!

    and then later i can get the cnc attachment for it! true fact!

    snork, the dell is brand new!

    its got a pentium 4 with a fast 3d card and a suround sound card, but im an idiot when it comes to pcs so i dont know eccactly what the rest of the stuff is? i just know its great for call of duty!

  2. love kraft you absolutley right! well eccept fo rthe whole bcrich thing,lol

    but as for prs's they are excpensive, but if you are gonna play for the rest of your life figure - 25 years divided by lets say 5,000$ thats only 200$ a year for a great intsrument! you spend more on candy and cigarets than that! this is how i justify buying one!

  3. i did the jimmy page switching on my old vantage lespaul, its kinda cool, i never use it though.

    your are right though the newer heels are a turn off, i think they started making them longer to speed up priduction? wich doesnt make any sense to me? maybe its for a stronger neck?

    i like the McCarty models the best,

    hey Canuk, haha dont you love how i blattently threw my band in with all those other greats! im so pathetic , oh and go to www.rootedmusic.com haha

  4. yeah ive installed them on a j-bass once, they dont have the beveled edge to them they are just like a round drum, i couldnt find them anymore though, everywhere i looked i just found the other style, but they are what i like, i use the shcallers on my prs, just cause i dont want to drill it out, lol that will kill the value!

  5. santana, all the guys from Collective soul, Pods old guitarist, the boys from 311, incubus, Rooted, need i go on?

    if they really stunk then none of the above would use them!

    besides if you have to get your tones out of a stupid pedal than your opinion is worthless to me! true tone is simply a guitar a georgeL's cable and an amp, (old fender, or Mesa they are my favs)

    you can here the tone without an amp also with prs's,

    Snork just cause you cant afford one doesnt meen you have to hate them! i cant afford a ferrarri but that doesnt mean i dont like them!

  6. he he this is a great poll!

    i dont think he really needs to change it back though, especially with that fine 15 year old attitude he has, the first week he changed he was good, but the snorknest is comming back into his posts. every one know who he is and therefore wont get any respect from alot of us!

  7. Drak couldnt be more right!

    i personally hate the internet!

    i think its stupid and a waste of my time, exccept for this site!

    i just started asking around to locals and i found a guy who has a huge supply of mahogany, we bacame good freinds and now he sells me the wood cheap and helps me with my projects,

    so my advice is get off your butt, go and start asking at hardware stores, cabinetmakers, anything that has to do with wood will probably get you in the right direction. this sight is great and it helps alot for building but its still a small drop in a huge pond, so they cant have all the info for everything.

  8. so since your such an expert on gibsons snork, how many have you played and what kind of ears do you have that you cant hear the beutty of a prs? the rose wood neck sounds great! ive played a few of them and the weight isnt that much more, besides what do you care about wieght if you love lespauls? id keep on going but i should probably take it to the rant section

  9. Actually a few others beat you to it. I first saw it an a LAGG. And Dan Earlwine has a section on installing them this way in his book "how to make your electric guitar play great"

    I guess the only downside is that you're "Locked" into this system once you install it this way.


    hmm.... oh well, i didnt know anyone else did this before. ive never read any books on building guitars, so im not the first one to do it, but i am gonna do it on all my guitars!

    and i dont mind being locked into this system cause, if youve ever had your guitar fall off on stage in front of a few hundred people youd feel pretty silly, escpecially if it was cause the screw snapped off!

  10. its a nice guitar, i love the rosewood necks! they feel great and they dont get a finish, the natural oils in the wood are all it needs, i dont like the two switches though,

    man you guys really hate prs's ?

    hmm.... you would think a company that can make a great quallity intsrument that is beutiful, and some of the best sounding instruments out there would get more respect. yeah there expensive but what do you expect? its the best out there, or you could spend that kind of money for a gibson but then your frets will be sticking out the ends and it will sound like poo and need i go on?

  11. wow there are alot of cool guitars this month! i really like that cloth top! its got a cool look to it, and goats is a pretty blue! i love blue! hey goat we got to get together and jam since we live near each other!

    um...... i dont know why there are two voting things for my guitar, i hope it doesnt disquallify me. lex that top is awsome! i think im gonna have to do another flame top soon!

  12. when i install my post bushings, i wait till after its laquered then i set it over the hole and place a soldering iron inside the bushing, then when the soldering iron heats up the bushing, it will start to slide in untill it hits the nurles on the bushing, then i use a philips head screwdriver and press them the rest of the way in by tapping lightly with a hammer, i also press them as far down as i can go so you dont see the bushing at all. i think it looks better, and if its done after the laquer it will have a nice look to it, and since its heated it wont crack the fiish at all.

    also!!!!! DONT FORGET THE GROUND WIRE !!!! make sure to drill and push that in first before you press in the bushings!

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