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Posts posted by Reinhold

  1. So here's where I'm at, shortly after we took the clamps off, I realized that the newly glued body was too large for the thickness planer, so we needed to route the whole thing down a quarter of an inch, which came out fairly well.



    This also revealed some awesome grain on the back of the guitar, most of which will probably stay.


    Then we planed out the router marks.


  2. I trust the graphtech stuff a lot though, they are usually really good with their products. I have strat saddles from them on my MIM and they are definitely better than Fender's, yet I still don't think you can get a whole lot better OFR stuff, except you can't have piezo-crystals in the saddle that way.

  3. I'm putting a speedloader on mine. With a SL, you won't need the tuners and it comes with a tremsetter in the box. Just make sure you do a complete plan for it (very complete) as there is no room for any error with the set-length strings. The ghost system won't work with a speedloader as far as I know, as the floyd saddles are different from normal ones. Also, with a speedloader you can't make it a baritone, due to the set strings, so I would really suggest more research before you start anything. I planned mine since last september and only cut the first wood two weeks ago.

  4. im not sure but i think he has a airplane in his garage

    btw pretty cool so far.

    yes that is indeed an aeroplane it is now gone down to the hanger and is being painted and run through final tests before flying (yes it will fly because it is not the first one we have built)

    and cheers the guitar has been undercoated and should get first coat of paint on today.

    should the body match the head stock or not....? (same pattern on headstock as body)

    I think a matching headstock always adds a touch of sophistication to a build, try printing out a picture of what you want it to look like on the computer to scale, then lay it on top and see how it looks.

  5. What were you thinking in terms of price for pickups, because that really determines a lot. If you want to stay in the lower price range, the pickups you mentioned earlier might be your best bet if you can get them cheaper than normal. (I don't know if those prices are cheaper, I only know states prices). If you want metal,, but don't want to pay EMG prices, you could always try some of those dragonfire knockoffs, I heard that they aren't too bad for the price, but if your favorite artists both used the dimarzios, I say go for them and see what you can do with them, we all know dimarzios sound good. Also, your amp can really determine what type of music you can get out of a guitar also, a nice high gain amp can make any pickups more thrash-like.

  6. Or are they alumitones, because I'm getting some weird hum on my new prewired s/s/s set I installed, despite grounding everything correctly, unless one of their wires aren't soldered correctly. My hum also goes away when I touch the strings or the bridge.

  7. Check out one of these, I just replaced the pickups on my strat with one (i got the s/s/s one however), but it really makes it sound great. I got the 30th anniversary one with the ntune tuner, but it's the same pickups, they really were a huge improvement over the stock ones. In strandberg's build thread about the 3 ergonomic guitars he included some sound samples so you can see if they are what you're looking for. They really made a dead feeling instrument come to life, even through my crappy crate solid-state amp.


  8. Pictures???




    because I think it deserves repeating:

    From now on, I cut my own wood.

    Well that's interesting :D I'm still a bit confused why there is a large chunk missing from the middle, but you probably can get some interesting things made from the pieces now.

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