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Devon Headen

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Everything posted by Devon Headen

  1. Thanks. Is it possible to add bearings to regular bits, and if so, how? Devon
  2. How do you get sharp corners? I've been trying to figure this out looking at bits and I'm having some serious trouble. What bits do you use for the cutting, and then how do you square the edge? Do you just cut as close as you can and finish up with a chisel? Thanks, Devon
  3. Don't know about favorite, but I really enjoy Phil Keaggy. He's amazing live, and he sings quite well. Make sure you get an instrumental album to hear the playing though . Devon
  4. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...?showtopic=5840
  5. I'm not quite understanding how that makes any sense. Anyone wanna explain that to me? Devon
  6. He's a fast learner . More than we can say about some members eh? Devon
  7. Welcome...I think this thread belongs in Announcements/Test Area though. I hope you find the boards as gratifying as I have. Devon
  8. How do you figure out what harmonics you will be picking up other than the distance from the bridge? Devon
  9. Derek, where do you get your two bearing bits? Do they come with two bearings, or do you add bearings? If it's the latter, how do you do it? Thanks, Devon
  10. Would it be possible to get this thread sticky and have everyone post the distance on their stock guitars? That'd be really helpful in my opinion. I'll get the measurements from mine when I get the opportunity. Devon
  11. What kind of wood is that? Zebrawood? I like it. Devon
  12. It's definitely possible to make a body out of pine. I'm sure it wouldn't sound very good, and you'd have to work a lot with it to get a good finish. Pine neck is pretty much completely out of the question though. I think one of the newbs here was gonna attempt a pine body. alloyguitarist or something like that. I haven't seen him around lately though, so I don't know if he ever did. Devon
  13. Biscuit joining the fb to the neck? I think buscuit joints are unnecessary if you use a decent glue (ie titebond). You probably will be ok with the glue you have now, cause I don't think there are many instances where there would be a hammer blows hard hit pressure applied to any joint, and if there were it'd be the headstock/neck join (if you use a separate piece for each), or the centerline (assuming a two piece body is being used). Devon
  14. If you've already glued them together the gap should be filled with glue. Albeit, it'd probably one ugly fill line. My advice would be to dissolve the glue, plane or join the edges like you should've done in the first place, and then glur them up again. Better to have to use a little time now than to have problems later, or to be unhappy with the guitar. Devon
  15. Did you make the templates with a scroll saw? If not, how did you go about making them?
  16. I've never heard of it...doesn't sound like it's very plausible. If you ever do experience a problem (which is highly unlikely, IMHO), I'd say just have a laundry sheet in your pocket at all times and swipe it in front of the strings if you get a build up. Devon
  17. It probably has linear pots. Get logorithmic pots and it should fix the problem. Devon
  18. Spray nozzle is what I was really asking about anyway. I guess working with sucky nozzles is better than paying three times as much after shipping. I doubt if I'll be using rattle cans anyway, it'd be kind of foolish when I already have spray equipment. Can you use regular "spray guns" that you can get for like 20 bucks? I have access to a compressor that'll more than handle most things, but I want an affordable gun and already have some of these big ones that I think will work fine. I guess the biggest thing is that I'll probably have more waste. Where do you get your nitro lacquer? I can't seem to find it anywhere but Stewmac and a few other places that have to ship it. It'd be nice if I could pick some up at Lowes or Walmart or something. I've looked at Wal-mart and the guy didn't have any clue what nitrocellulose lacquer was (not a big suprise). How can you tell if it's nitro based? Thanks, Devon
  19. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...ic=439&hl=piezo Devon
  20. yes, Mother of Pearl is from shells. So is abalone. Devon
  21. anybody got links so I can get an idea on the price of an explosion proof fan? I'd like to spray in my/my dad's shop, but it's so dusty, I'd need a booth. I was thinking about something like the sandblaster idea too...seems like a good one if you can find a way to keep the plexi clear. Devon
  22. Some smaller ones (ie travel guitars) are made of one piece (I think). Pros are better tone transference, perhaps slighty stronger, Cons are LOTS of wasted wood (depending on body style), and it's very expensive (not to mention hard to find)to buy big enough wood. Especially for a full size guitar. Devon
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