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Devon Headen

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Posts posted by Devon Headen

  1. But what I'm saying is that if the dupli takes so long to completely cure, it's still gonna be shrinking ever so slightly. If the topcoat doesn't have much flex (ie completely cured) and the undercoat clear is still curing, it stands to reason that the top harder coat will get cracks. I've never tried so I'm not sure, but that's what I would guess would happen. Maybe I just don't understand what you're saying?

  2. Let's see...way too many out there, I'll just throw out a couple nice key of G chords



    and move that general shape around a lot.

    Also, must have chords for percussive rhythm (root note with 3 and octave, and root + b3 and b3 octave)



    umm...an interesting Dsus4 for variety


    you can also throw in the 2 with the open high e, or fret the high e at the fifth to give it another 5.

    The fat sounding e5 on all six strings finally wore out for me, so I'm pretty sick of it. Another variation with only 2 root notes, is


    a nice sounding bm(something; don't feel like figuring it out) for key of D is


    I think that's quite enough for now, but I could go on forever. Well, a couple more shapes for good measure



    x-x-3-5-x-5 (very fun little shape)

    Let's hear some original thought in here :D

    EDIT: didn't see Mr. Churchyard beat me to that 2 (or 9) shape.

  3. If it's a one off custom design, there's no way to make templates. I know a few people that 'build guitars' that wouldn't know where to start without having their premade templates. I think it's nice to be able to tweak stuff halfway through the build and not have to worry about making new templates.

  4. I personally use a router as little as possible. I don't know what it is about them, they just never really felt very safe to me. I usually only use it for pickup cavities and the neck pocket. I use it for the control cavity if it's a 1 piece back. I might be more apt to use it when I get one with more power. My thing is, a few of the things you do with a router can be done by hand nearly as fast with less risk of screwing up your work or hurting yourself.

  5. If they have maple it's fine, but you can get it much cheaper other places. I don't have a Home Depot near me, but I know Lowes doesn't carry maple. You should really look for a hardwood place near you. Or even a furniture shop for the small amoumt you'd need. The furniture place would probably glue stuff up for you for a small fee, too.

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