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Devon Headen

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Posts posted by Devon Headen

  1. i bet i could cut a back belly carve faster than anyone with a sander/grinder, and i'll just use a spokeshave only.

    Yeah, you wana bet? :D

    I'd take the bet. I'm with Perry on this one. If you learn how to use cutting tools, in my mind they are FAR superior to abrasive tools. A well set up spokeshave can take out a belly contour in no time flat with hardly any chance of screwing up.

  2. If it's just on corners you might not, but if it's on a flat section, the areas adjacent to the sand throughs are going to be thin and prone to sanding through. Especially since you have several grits plus buffing to go through still. Like I said, if the corners are where you have problems, you probably won't chase it around. Don't wet sand any more than you absolutely have to on corners so you can keep a good build for buffing.

  3. Moulding isn't that bad if you take your time. I probably have a leg up since my father is awesome at it, but if you can build a guitar, you can put up crown moulding. Definitely gonna be easier with a miter saw.

  4. Wow, now that's a hard one to answer. I have a little bit of everything. Except a jointer, but I've never seen the need to buy one since my tablesaw gives me glue quality joints. Probably got about a year's income in the shop, though.

  5. What about getting some thicker pickup rings (available?) and sanding a contour into the base of the ring, like on a Les Paul?  You could do the archtop bridge trick, stick some sandpaper down onto the carve at the location of the pickup, then rub the ring over the sandpaper to make the contour.

    Just what I was about to suggest. Works a treat. Unless you're opposed to the use of rings, or don't want a material that can easily be sanded.

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