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Posts posted by Smutpeddler

  1. I will spray my ongoing build soon, but i can't do it inside for the moment. I can leave the guitar to dry inside though. The thing is that it starts to get pretty cold up here (not freezing, but somewhere around 8C/46F), will that cause any problems (i'm usin automotive paint and a spray gun)? I have never sprayed in cold weather before so i have no idea how the paint will react. Any experience on this?

  2. Prostheta>> I live on the Åland islands, so i'm actually closer to Sweden than the mainland.

    I threw together the drum sander from some pulleys and bearings i had laying around to sand the volute on the neck. Maybe a bit overkill, but it's very fast and trims the head to exact thickness at the same time. It probably works well for fender style necks to, and fingerboards.

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