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Posts posted by Elton

  1. oh wow i think my shop teacher will let me powder coat this kahler... that would be da shiznit. but how would i go about doing it. do i have to powder coat the thing as a whole or take parts from it and powder coat each seperatly. or should i just go with my black chrome kit idea...

    cause this powercoat might cost me nothing

  2. hyunsu im korean too, how much is wood like that over in korea? im going this summer and i might buy some if its cheap and bring it back here

    i really want to build my own guitar one day. it must give u a feeling of accomplishment and make u proud of the guitar u play becuase you made it....

    if its cheap im buying lotssss

  3. Plus the Duncan Designed are Korean built and sound the same, so you don't have to spend $70 each pickup...only like $30.

    yeah im going to korea this summer to buy buy buy for guitar parts!!!! im going there this summer, and yes i am korean. maybe i'll buy a couple guitars too

  4. yeah looks like some expensive tools....i am taking a shop class in highschool, im sure they have a planner and jointer right??? and also one of the side projects we get to do is a baseball bat, do u think the block of wood for the baseball bat would be enough for a neckthru neck???? and also aren't baseball bats made of maple??? wow that would be a better project.... but id have to purchace a fretboard before we do that.

    man im so excited!!! :D

    anyway since it looks like nobody will have a tutorial for making neck thru necks by the time i get to the project... what book would have step by step instructions on making one?

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