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Posts posted by kramersteen

  1. I myself love the zebra custom to. in saying that the bronze hardware doesn't do it for me :D

    GROGES SIGNATURE looks mint, nice and clean.

    All the rest of the entries are amazing to. And in the future i wont be so silly that i post 4 at once. that was a rookie mistake on my behalf. B)

    Also i feel my little bonefire custom has got of to a bad start, even know its a killer little guitar. The graphics on the back of the neck really add some mojo for me. Not to toot my own horn but yeah i guess the graphic are a bit dull. The bypass switch in addition to the 3 way split, series and parallel gives you 6 different sounds from one humbucker.:D

    I find it hard to take good photos of any guitar, factory or custom. Its a real hit or miss with me. And its not my camera because my wife and i have a new digital canon slr which cost me a bounty. There's just so many settings and i cant be ass'd reading the manula B)

  2. Ok i promise this is the last one for this month. i worked hard to get it ready.

    Custom BONEFIRE Guitar

    Dimarsio super 3 with a mini 3 way switch for single/series/parallel and a mini 2way switch for true bybass jack to pickup. for extra tone and crunch when playing metal.

    schecter pegs

    sand blasted vintage tremolo plate with roller saddles

    roller nut

    24'' scale neck

    custom artwork skulls front back

    custom artwork skulls on back of neck/headstock with fret markers

    hope there isn't to many pictures,










  3. Ok, i want to add one more entry for this month seeing as its my first time.

    Michale Angelo-S-custom

    This is just a older ibanez s mij i restored and did some mild modding to. Hope she meets the requirements of the guitar of the month.

    Custom orange paint/matching headstock

    Routed third mid humbucker of center

    Gotoh floyd rose/brass oversized block

    Dimarzio super distortion/tonezone/air norton





  4. BGC Blind Guardian Custom

    Ok guys, this is the end result of a guitar I have been building.

    This is my fourth custom now. I did the finish the same way they do the Steve Vai Jem guitars.

    Using a Blind guardian shirt for the pattern, I glued it on, sealed it with sanding sealer, painted the sides black and glossed over.

    My old man is a retired auto sprayer so I get him to help me, just to ensure a quality finish.

    The original idea came from projectguitar.com

    I modified the 21 fret body by adding huge cutaway's, this way I could mount the 24 fret neck and still have heaps of reach to the upper frets, and yes its intonation is perfect. The neck has been mounted closer to the bridge in the process.

    Basswood body Strat style 21 fret I am 95% sure its basswood as its very light

    Maple/rosewood fretboard 24 fret Charvel/Jackson style neck

    Bone nut

    Schaller sure claw

    Custom made 2mm clear acrylic scratch plate, made by PR Hance Guitars,

    Gotoh vintage style 6 screw tremolo

    Bridge pickup - Seymour Duncan TB 10 full shred

    Neck pickup - Seymour Duncan shn hotrail neck

    Gotoh Jackplate

    Gotoh neck plate

    Gotoh strap pins

    Gotoh locking machine heads

    2x Dimarzio push/pull pot

    Dimarzio 3 way switch

    Dimarzio jack

    2 vol push/pull series/parallel 3 way switch

    Initially I was worried about the material finish dulling down the sound of the guitar but the guitar sounds awesome!

    Also some people raised concerns about the bone nut with the vintage tremolo, causing tuning issues, but all in all it holds tune very well.

    There is some graphite powder on the nut as well. The Gotoh locking tuners just fit the headstock width so the machine head poles sit very low, maybe that helped?

    I had concerns about EMI problems with the clear pickguard, I have shielded the walls with aluminium plate and copper foil, seems to have worked fine.

    I am very happy with the guitar, I am so surprised at how much it resonates for a solid body, I have other factory made guitar which are flat compared to this, :D

    pics here


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