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Posts posted by mastertone007

  1. I love a well build PRS. I am building a hollow body PRS Custom 22. Jaycee is right, you should enter guitar of the month. Its a good feeling to know that you can make your own neck. Its a even better feeling to know you can make your own fretboard with your own scale! I am build a fretboard with 25.25 Scale... I love the wood you have used... Maybe a danish oil finnish?


  2. Build a Strat!. Strats are fun to build. I have built both Les Pauls and Strats and i must say Strats are easier to build. I am not talking about buying the neck and body and just slapping it together. Although i have done that to and the instrument was awesome.

    IF you are going to use pre made bodies etc make sure you use good hardware. I like Gotoh tunners and wilkinson bridges and a good nut. Guitars can rise and fall on hardware.

    I hope i have been some help.

  3. Kent Armstrong single coils are by far there best pickups. I know the Texas ones are very good. There tweed ones are right up there to. I think you will get a good strat sound from them. I am not sure if having mahogany for your body will help you in getting that classic strat tone...

    I know that alot of pickguards have the ali shielding but i am not sure about using it for the cavities...

  4. I would make a wedge or conical dowel (covered with wax) that I would carefully jam into the peg hole to expand the crack just a tiny bit. I would then use the thin version of CA (crazy Glue, Super Glue). That will seep deep into the crack. Then clamp immediately. The CA will affect the finish if you dribble it on the headstock, so be careful. The CA will hold up to the stress in this area (not that much stress as the crack is on “the right” side of the hole. A little finish touch-up and the guitar should be fine. I have done similar (not exactly the same) repairs from time to time and it have worked fine.

    The problem being is that on the side the crack is zig zaged its not a easy crack to deal with. Would the waxy wedge idea work still work?

  5. Hey Guys.

    I have got a fender headstock that was smashed into a wall. There is a crack that runs to the bottom tuning peg. Its on both sides and down the side and in the tuning peg hole. I have a photo here.


    I have been asked to repair it but i dont think the crack is in a place were it will not receive alot of stress and if i put to much pressure on it opening it up to put some glue in, it will just break of. Any suggestions?


  6. Phew my customer has changed his mind. thanks for the info. I might make it a personal project.

    He wants a good old 4 string bass.

    Here are the woods we are looking to use. swamp ash body, bubinga top (how does this wood sound, the customer likes the look), flamed maple neck and zebrawood fretboard.

    Loads of fun for everyone.

  7. All Right, i have a massive change. I have a friend who wants a 7 string bass...

    We have the design of it, but i am wondering about the thickness of the neck (is it playable), and where am i going to find a 7 string bridge. I will get Kent Armstrong to custom make the pickup.

    Has any one here attempted to build a beast like this?

  8. Hi guys,

    I am almost finnished my custom guitar i am building for myself. I have a red beach laminated with mahogany in the neck. The body is mahogany and maple cap, semi hollow body. But i am at odds with what type of wood i should use for my fretboard. I work in a joinery factory so getting wood isnt a problem but what is an out standing fretboard wood other then the standard Ebony, rosewood and maple? I want to try something totally different form those three woods.

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