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Posts posted by ZoSo_Spencer

  1. Sweet Jesus where do you pick up a piece of cocobolo like that???

    Very nice cant wait to see it with some hardware on it.


    *Edit* i love your fluffy vice, danm thatd come in handy for holding not-wanted-scratched-things *Edit*

  2. and it produces cooler waste than a rasp... you jsut get dust with rasps.. with spoke shaves you get those cool strips... good for starting fires.

    danm right about that, shoulda seen the mess i made when i rough shaped out my going-to-be neck.... yeah spokeshaves would be good i just dont particularily like them...

    The 3612 is a great router but maktec (makitas budget brand) makes the exact same router for about 100$ Aus less so like 75$Us less.. its called the mt360, i own one its great, runs smooth and very powerful, might not be 3 1/2hp but its very powerful. i think the 3612 doesnt have variable speed and i know the mt360 doesnt so if you are going to use bits bigger than 35mm diameter dont get a single speed router.

    anyways cant wait to see some more pics, GET WORKING lol... jk..


  3. One of the cool things about school is that you have access to some really great equipment.

    Maybe for you, my school considering how much you have to pay to go there (7000$ AUS, for Day boys and 17000 for boarders) is like the worst school out for woodworking tools and ****.. i mean some of the state schools here in aus have better facilities and you dont pay to go to a state school.

    the only things that they have that are good is a decent range of 2 year old makita tools. everything else is caveman style, i mean they have a radial arm saw that NEVER cuts straight, a bandsaw with a huge dent in the blade that they will not replace, sanders with paper on it that has seen the 80's and a teacher that wont let me do **** unless i come in after school, luckily i live at school lol so thats no problem.

    ahh Shut up me..... lol....

    Zendrix, nice bass so far i really like the look you got going here, what plans have you got for it?

    Spokeshave, no way man i think there deadly lol, get a rasp man they are great for shaping then get some fine halfround files to smooth it out after the rasp then some sandpaper :D

    What kinda router are you thinking of? make sure it has variable speed if you plan to use bits over 35mm diameter..


  4. That's an awesome design, can't wait to see it "in the flesh"

    How thick is that body blank? You may want to get it a little closer to final thickness in parts before glueing up, as it'll be a bitch to do when it's one big wide board unless you've got some specialist kit.


    Danm i love double neck guitars, EDS 1277 danm id eat **** to own one of those, lol...

    Cant wait to see some cutting getting done..

    ill be watching this one


  5. As most people here know our friend Perry up there is the most popular importer/retailer for the luthier stuff.

    On another note, I found Titebond, shellac, hide glue, Hot Stuff CA glue and West System epoxy at Carba-Tec.

    Timbecon is another good store for tools and supplies

    Yeah Carba-Tec is awesome gotta love that store they even have guitar making books, its like the lee-valley tools of australia.


  6. This router has the least amount of collet/bearing run-out of any I've tried, meaning it runs very true.

    Any router that has even a noticable amount of runout should be returned, why settle for second best when you can return for a new one :D


  7. Danm i want a danelectro 59 dc.....why did you have to play one Page, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY........ *mutters*

    I love those Dano's too, but I just can't bring myself to buy one...the only Dano I've actually held was a reissue...talk about your cheap guitars. Price gets way too inflated, just for the brand name.

    So, why not build my own, I figure? I already have a set of lipstick pickups...I even have a real Dano (reissue) neck here...but my version would be made of real wood.

    But yeah, the latest logo is definitely inspired by the Danelectro logo.

    why do u have a re-issue neck? whered u manage to pick that up from?

    im really considering building a 59dc after i finish my VERY long on-going project with my lp.... but i just dont feel good about using a template that has been made by me... id have to get a dano dc and stick it on a slab of mdf and get a flush trim to make the template.....

    you should make a dano.... so i can drool with envy even more over your guitars :D


  8. Actually, he's pretty much a god in Canada.  :D

    Ask any Canadian....except LGM.  LOL

    ......ill have to disagree as im canadian and i think hes a wanker B) ...

    Alex Lifeson is the only guitar god to come out of Canada

    yeah hes a champ, he even featured on trailer park boys lol that was a great episode, he had a jam with bubbles :D .... danm good show that one.

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