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Posts posted by ZoSo_Spencer

  1. i would never even attempt to do a roundover by hand..............jesus that would take some time and i could never be happy with it and i would have to go back sand some more then more because the place i just sanded made it go out of proportion and then there would be an endless cycle until i F^$ked my guitar up big time.

    table router = easy as hell and i think it is near impossible to go wrong as long as you do it in multiple passes.

    if it was my guitar i wouldnt do it with a handheld router its just too risky unless you have some of the scrap wood from cuttin out the body shape that you put on the outside of the body for extra support for the other side of the base of the router.

    hope all goes well :D

  2. but rememebr les paul standard is a much different (and more expensive) guitar then a les paul 100

    incorrect, les paul 100's are bassically les paul standards but without set neck, binding, good hardware but yes they are much more expensive.

    they are wired exactly the same. you may be thinking of the les paul special in which they have 2 pots and a selector switch which makes them different yes.

    you should sand just below the fretboard and everywhere else (bar the headstock), i assume you are trying to make you guitar look like the les paul smartwood guitar judging by the picture on your hosting site.

    read some of the tutorials on the main site regarding stripping paint via sanding.

    good luck :D

  3. just take your time

    I'm in no hurry.... :D

    So have you mounted your neck yet?

    no not yet, i am still yet to remove the fretboard, cut the tenon, fill in the old neck pocket cavity and cut the new one.

    ive been taking progress pics so i will show you when i have got the tenon cut into the body.

    keep up the good work


  4. Here's where the heel is right now: th_350glue3Large.jpg

    In the meantime, I'm trying to work out the best way to shape the heel (the part closest to the headstock) in order to 'embed' it properly into the neck extension--feel free to offer suggestions (drawings/diagrams too) if you have any.

    Idch, nice progress so far.... havent been able to keep track of it as ive been at school....

    if you havent already shaped the neck - I have done the exact same thing as you by adding a slab to the bottom of the neck and i have finished shaping mine to the neck i already had. i used a round file and a half round file to do all the work then sandpaper, it took me 6 hours but i didnt want to mess up so thats why i used files becuase they are slow and presice

    just take your time


  5. I notice it has 24 frets, and strange tremolo

    I dont really think that trems to strange....my mate has one just like it on a strat that was stolen prolly around 70's which was sold to someone who gave it to him - lol....

    Its a jap strat im pretty sure tho...

    yeah that guitar does look pretty intruiging.... you should have a go at making one if you like it.....


  6. there are alot of books floating around such as;

    Build Your Own Electric Guitar by Melvyn Hiscock - highly recommended

    Constructing a Solid-Body Guitar, Roger Siminoff

    these books and a few others can be found in the link below....


    thats one of the many places where you could probobally find these books.

    i know theres alot of other books but i dont know where you can buy them in u.s.a

    hope thats what you were after...


  7. .....

    Never played the ibanez but i have played both the prs's - many of them infact as there is a store nearby that sells heaps of them.

    Prs soapbars are **** imo - they just dont feel good to me, nor look good.

    prs Santana's i find were actually built great - well the ones i saw, they looked good to me, i would certainlly have one, and they feel good to play.....

    although i never played these through an amp it wouldnt really matter considering you want to change the pups anyways.....

    id have a good look around in your area to see who supplies prs's then go play one of them and compare it to the ibanez.....

    if your looking for good pup's - Jon Moore - hes a canadian selling hand-wound pups to your specs that sound great for cheap prices.... contact him at rhonjon@sympatico.ca


  8. Is there a tutorial, on making plans or some sort? :D

    dont think so B)

    Just Draw EVERYTHING to scale.. all the different angles (side,top,front,back)

    List all the parts (harware) you need...

    Work out an order in which to do things... and dont get tempted to skip a step and then go back to it later...which can cause many problems

    READ this STRAT and follow that order..... (just realised that this got posted aswell)

    meh....thats all i could think of....


    hope it all goes good.....

    **EDIT** if you need help just ask dont go ahead and do something you are doubting will work **EDIT**

  9. that sketch/template drawing looks good but, make the mando without pickup rings just humbucker route and screw in :D

    im thinking of making a mando but in a different light - i wanna do a cigar box mando (with a pickup) as setch was but i dont think he finished his....??

    hope all goes well


  10. you know I emailed this to the other forum that is out there, I got a response that was really sad.  Oh well.  Buy a switch, this is a deal, it normally sells for 35 bucks, you pay a little more cause its worth it.  I made 18 tonight, time for bed.

    Whatd they say?

    i may be a bit late on this post but... i just wanna say i am definitelly going to get one of those for my next project (blueshawk)...........bigd they sound great :D

  11. Hey guys, that's a good find since the Stew Mac will be a bit expensive to ship to AU, but looking at it, I would replace the bearing with something a bit beefier. That thing look so wimpy that I bet it will dig into the wood while folloing the contour.

    Yeah, i thought about that but then i ordered the biggest one they supplied....

    and the bearing = massive and the bit is great quality

    it took about 4 days to get to me for 5$ which is great..

    i would order from these guys any day of the week now :D

    already planning to get a new baseplate for my router...

  12. ....Ive found that playing on a 12 string neck (epi eds 1275 doubleneck) is no different of feel than a 6 string neck, infact it felt good :D

    id say go for it becuase you never know, maybe ull wanna play with 12 strings for a while and then go back to 6 so why buy two guitar if you know you are going to wanna play on a 12 one day.


  13. Err correct me if I'm missing something, but couldn't you use ferric chloride to eat off ALL the plating? Cos that way you could have unplated parts which would age nicely to a patina. Not just scummy, not looked after, looking parts like most relics have.

    I was told that it makes parts look like......... the parts on the 58 lookin les paul in the link below

    les paul with worn parts

    thats why i suggested it, becuase some guitars just look great with worn parts (les pauls, Strats) and some look like SH*T with new parts i.e most les pauls these days.


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