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Posts posted by ZoSo_Spencer

  1. Meh ill have a go - ive been waiting for tooo long to get my piece of wood and this one is the right price and the right looks (bar the stain :D )

    Once i get this piece of wood ill try some bleach on it -hopefully it will take it to the colour of the lighter stain just below the darker stain and then i will even it out all over and then, with the scraps i will try some dyes and stuff.

    thanks for the helps anyways - much appreciated.

    :D - although i dont live in canada i am a canadian B)

  2. This may seem dumb, but when it comes to wood and staining/dyeing i am dumb :D

    I want to make a les paul - very similar to jimmy pages (pic below)


    and i have found a suitable bookmatched piece of maple for the top - BUT - it is heavily stained on the sides...............is there any way i could remove the stain on the sides or stain the whole piece and somehow get the light blond natural color of maple back, with a dye or something?

    i dunno what i am talking about :D lol but what i am asking is - is there anyway i can make this piece of maple look like it was never stained and was always a natural colour and not end up with a really dark finish? if so how???

    Maple (below)

    Template - roughly looks like same piece of wood



  3. Double neck guitars would mainly be used for live performances where the switch between a 6 to 12 string guitar needs to be less than one second. So it comes in handy for live or even if you can only afford one guitar but want a 12 string and a 6 string so therefore you only have to buy one :D

    Jimmy Page and Joe walsh both use a double neck gibson eds 1275

    jimmy page uses it in the song remains the same, the rain song and stairway to heaven and i am sure i ahve probobally missed some more :D

    joe walsh - dont have a clue when he used his B)


  4. Hmmmm...... those f-holes i dont mind them :D keeping things different..

    instead of bolt on you should go with a set neck, bolt on is just so ugly and completing a good set-neck would probobally be more statisfying

    Inlays - split parralellograms - they look soooo good on just about any guitar even the old archtops

    tuners - grover imperials - just so high class looking and they are pretty presise

    pickups - Jon moore - read the harmony central reviews he hasnt had anything less than a 10 and they are cheap (his set prolly costs as much as one prs mccartny pickup) and he handwinds them to you're specs

    he can only be contacted by email - rhonjon@sympatico.ca - i think thats it B)

    anyways thats my opinion

    good luck with the guitar :D


  5. ...........had a feeling that tech 21 wasnt tube.........

    there is only one more amp i would suggest - i own one :D, its cheap not complicated, tons of different tones and its a Vox B)

    Valvetronix Ad15vt - 15watt tube in the preamp, sounds great

    or the Vox vr15 - another 15 watter

    i got the ad15vt for 420 (Aus dollers) and over here they rip people off :D

    just throwing in a couple of suggestions


  6. LOL, this has turned into a latin/lefties arguement........

    the cherry red on the SG just doesnt look right i would definetally go for the transparent browny/red color to cream burst it looks awesome.

    Nice work you have going here, i am very close to attempting something similar myself, This just gave me more confidence :D

    my les paul is going to be converted from a bolt to set neck :D

    keep up the good work.

  7. Nice Work on those guitars man, although i think flames on just about any guitar is a bad idea (but thats my opinion) im more of a standard kind of person, i mean you could go pretty crazy on the inlays but on the body to me it has to be straight forward. Nonetheless they will most likely both turn out $%^&ing awesome

    cant wait to see some more pics - nice mill btw :D


  8. Nice, very nice indeed

    2 - things i may wish to point out - the binding looks slightly wobbly around the area of the pickup selector where it meets the neck is it me or the pictures??

    also the bridge pickup mounting ring looks like it has been put on in reverse - it looks as if you have put the lowest part of the ring towards the bridge....

    ***EDIT*** i just realised that the pickup was on reverse becuase it was just a show picture with hardware on :D ***EDIT***

    lovely guitar - bet it sounds great - what kinda pickups u have in it??



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