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Posts posted by StarChild

  1. I'm asking because I saw a video from Boss about their stompboxes and in the video, it was said that "non-boosting" effects be placed in the effects loop and "boosting" effects be placed direct (or in front of the amp)... I haven't tried it yet because I don't have all the cables to do it with... The video said that hooking everything up in this way eliminates noise from effect pedals while maintaining the tonal integrity and bite of your distortion... Is this why an effects loop was invented? What exactly does an effects loop offer and how exactly is it different from running direct (running pedals in front of the amp)? I have all my pedals directs and it sounds fine... The pedals are a bit loud but other than that, it's all good... No "noise" that I can detect... Is there a way to "blend" a given effect with the distortion/clean sound so that it sounds like a genuine mix of the two? 'Cause when I turn on like say my phaser, it's kinda loud, especially with distortion... I tried putting the phaser before the distortion and it was a lot more subtle but TOO subtle... Any way to balance it out so that it's subtle but not TOO subtle... I have my flanger before the distortion because I like a real subtle flanger, though... I hope someone can take the time to answer my questions... Thanks everyone!


  2. Yeah, right now I'm goin' through some heavy wrist problems... One night, I overexerted my wrist and I've had pains in my wrist ever since... This was about five months ago... The pain is a lot better but I still feel discomfort all day long and pain at work and while playing guitar sometimes (more times than not) It sucks bad... I'm taking physical therapy now and I have to wear this wrist brace when I go to bed and sometimes during the day... I've had x-rays and nerve tests done, which luckily all came out fine... But I might have tendonitis... I thought it might have been Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which is REALLY, REALLY bad for people who play ANY instrument... This thing can end your career... and it has for some people... I've been really depressed and hella worried about this sh*t... I REALLY hope it's not Carpal Tunnel Syndrome... but my nerve test came out fine so the doctor says it's tendonitis... Hopefully the physical therapy will help 'cause I'll f*cking die if I can't play guitar... All I ever wanted to do was play guitar and now I might be stripped of that dream all 'cause of ONE night of overexerting my wrist!

    Please people... WARM UP and STOP playing when you start to feel pain! Also, rest every so oft when practicing or playing... It's normal to feel some discomfort while playing but STOP when it hurts, people... I didn't and look at me now... It hurt like hell and I kept playing like a d*ck 'cause I wanted to finish recording something... TRUST ME... Read up on CTS if you want... It's no joke... Now I gotta worry about my wrist tendonitis... and tendonitis can't always be cured either... I'm depressed as all hell...


  3. Hey krazyderek... None of my equipment is MIDI compatible either... I hear you need a patchbay for non-MIDI stompboxes... The patchbay "picks up" the pedals' signal and allows the MIDI foot controller to "detect" them and therefore allowing you to switch between them... My question is: Does one need a patchbay whether using a pre-amp or just an amp head? I understand lots of pre-amps are MIDI compatible but what I don't get is does that mean a patchbay isn't needed in such a case? If not, where do the stompboxes get connected so that the MIDI foot controller picks them up? Personally, I don't know much about it all but I still think a patchbay is needed regardless of amp, if you're using stompboxes... Otherwise, I don't really see how the MIDI foot controller will pick up the stompboxes... I have my eye on getting a pre-amp but I'm just learning about racks so I'm still debating... Like do they sell "racks" to place your pre-amp/power amp/patchbay? Or do you make one yourself? And if one gets an amp head/cabinet with a patchbay for the stompboxes, where does the patchbay go, if you don't own a rack? Anyone got any idea? :D


  4. Hey everyone... I'm looking for a MIDI foot controller to use with my stompboxes... Now I understand that usually a patchmate or a patchbay is required for non-MIDI equipment such as Boss pedals (which is what I use) so my question is where can I get like a list of decent MIDI foot controllers? Does anyone know of any good ones I may take a look at? And while you're at it, any patchmates or patchbays I should check out? Right now I have my eye on the Voodoo Lab GCX Ground Control... I spoke to someone and they told me to check out the Axess-Electronics GRX-4... I also know someone who uses a Behringer FCB 1010... Out of all of these, I've only seen the Behringer in action and it seemed to do the trick... But the owner says there's a short lag when switching from distortion to clean+(random effect). But from clean+(random effect) to distortion, it's seamless... Do ALL MIDI foot controllers do this? I'm not really sure which is best for me and I'd like to check out some other ones but don't know where to look...

    If it helps, I own 7 individual Boss stompboxes and a wah pedal... I'm looking for something that can help me switch pedals as well as amp channels... For instance, if I'm playing a song, and for the verse I use a clean tone with chorus and a phaser with a certain amp channel and for the next part in the song, like say the chorus, I use just distortion and a different amp channel, instead of switching off the chorus, the phaser and switching from one amp channel to the other and hitting distortion, I can just hit ONE switch on the MIDI foot controller... I understand that some MIDI foot controller only work for switching amp channels and others only work for switching pedals and others do both... I want one that does both... Anyone got any input? I'd gladly appreciate it! Thanks for reading!!



  5. Hey everyone! I'm saving to buy myself a new amp for live gigs as well as something I could use to practice at home in low volumes... I currently have a Rivera combo tube amp, which I'm not entirely happy with and is a bit busted, and I have my eye on the Line 6 Vetta or the Flextone lll... I have my eye on those amps 'cause I play lots of different styles and I'd like to have a variety of tones at my disposal but I'm also looking for a nice, tight Meshuggah/Fear Factory tone for tight rhythms and such but also has a nice clean sound as well... Can the Line 6 Vetta or Flextone lll give me this? These Line 6 amps can model a Mesa Boogie Dual and Triple Rectifier, which is what a lot of bands that play tight stuff play as well as any array of other interesting sounds... But strangly enough, I've heard lots of complaints about the tightness of the tone in Line 6 equipment... So I'm kinda lost... Anyhoo, I want something I can use in a live setting as well as practice through at home... Should I just get a combo amp or get a pre-amp/power amp? Which is more expensive? What would I need with a pre-amp besides a power amp? I hope this all isn't too damn confusing... :D

    Anyway, I'll greatly appreciate ANY help! Thanks people! B)


  6. Hey everyone! I'm new here! YAY! Anyway... I have a little dilemma pertaining to my axe... I have an Ibanez RG7620BK seven string guitar and I tune (from low to high) Ab Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb. My problem is that whenever I play an open Ab power chord or:




    ...it sounds horrible! You can hear the open Eb string like crazy but hardly the low Ab note. It just sounds like noise. But when I play the first fret power chord (the A chord), it sounds A LOT better. Both the A note and the E note sound clearer. And the higher up I go on the neck, it sounds good. Just the open Ab chord sounds like crap. The intonation seems fine and I don't have a problem with string buzz or action though I'm no expert. Also, when I hit the same open Ab chord but WITH the octave Ab note, it also sounds a bit better. Not totally better but a bit better.

    This sounds better:




    But this sounds like crap:




    I thought about using thicker strings (right now I have a set of .010s, my seventh string being a .056) though I'm not sure if I should make ALL the strings thicker all just the last low three strings. I also though the problem might be that I USUALLY tune to (from low to high) Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb and when I use the Ab Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb, I tune the seventh string down to Ab using the fine tuners at the bridge. Can anyone help me or point me in the right directions? Thanks so much!



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