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Posts posted by Hendrxapprentice

  1. I've been looking at used acoustics just for the hell of it. And a lot of the nice ones that are cheap usually say that the truss rod is "bad" or just broken. I was wondering how hard it is to repair that? I know it's not as easy as fixing a strat, but is it something i could do? I've heard that truss rods are either good or bad, and if it's not good, then you have to replace it. Is that true also???

  2. I just put a TBX tone pot in my guitar and it sounds awesome! But i was wondering if you can put two in there? Would it be double the tone? Probably not, but it sounds cool. Also, i just got one of those tone mod circuits that is basically a pot with a microchip on it. It's called an artec 5-way tone control circuit. Will i be able to use the TBX with the circuit?

  3. I just got this Cort Strat i have repaired because i put a different pickup in the neck position and it stopped working after about 5 minutes. Anyways, i dont want to risk opening up the pickguard and pulling off a wire. So im wondering if there's anyway to stop the loud hunmming that only stops when i touch the jack plate or the screws holding in the pickup selector. Or do i just have to risk it? And if i do open it up, what should i look for or what should i wire to make it stop humming?

  4. Hey everyone,

    I just bought a 1970s Cameo Les Paul copy and after changing the nut, fixing one of the tuners, and adjusting the action, i decided to plug it in. It sounded really nice but when i moved the switch to the neck pickup, no sound came out. I looked at the wiring and nothing was missing or came off. So, after re soldering a few questionable points, the neck pickup started working. But after i switched to the bridge and back to the neck, it turned off again. Now it just phases in and out. Is there any reason why this is happening???

  5. There's an article in here about how to make a black ive overdrive instead of buying one for 25 bucks. Ansil Gregory says to just buy a schottky diode and put them over a tone pot. But where should i buy a schottky diode, which kind should i get, and how should i put them on???

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