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Posts posted by BluesyGrunge

  1. Alright, thanks for all the tips and information guys. Going to be very helpfull. As of now, I have most of it planned out, combined from info you've given me, and people at www.ultimate-guitar.com

    I probly wont need much help from here on out until i get my parts and the actual building process starts.

    Thanks again. :D

  2. Well, I still have a good chunk of my summer left, and Ive been wanting to build a SRV replica for a long time, and now I finally have time to do it, I dont have much money as of now, but that im working on. Anyways, I need all the help I can get with this, cause I have absolutely no clue on what I need to order, or how to build it. I have no clue on how to even use Warmoth(Im ordering parts BTW, not building them myself). So as you can tell, im going to need allot of help and suggestions, Im open to any suggestion you can make to making my replica.

    Now now, when I say replica, I dont mean exact to his Number 1. Im basically making a replica to his Fender Sig. So I dont want the beat up body, but I preety much want everything else. So if you guys could tell me what I need to order off Warmoth, and how I do it. That would be great. And im going to need places where I can get all the gold hardware. Yes, I would like a lefty trem, so if that means I need other parts like Lefty tuners, or I need to route something out on the body, your going to have to tell me all that as well. I would like the tuners n bridge n whatnot to be somewhat nice, holds tuning great n whatnot.

    BTW, I cant use Ebay either. So that probly makes things harder. :D

    Yes, I need lots of help with this. Any info,suggestion, help you can give me will be very much appreciated.

    BTW, im new to the boards, and Im glad to be here. Seems like a nice helpfull place.

    Thanks guys :D

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