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Posts posted by Reaper

  1. Best- Dave Brubeck last June. His drummer, at about age 70ish, could play as well, if not better than, Mike Portnoy. He got up on the stage with nothing but the instruments and microphones, compacted in the middle of a huge stage (Eastman Theater), and proceeded to give the best show I've ever seen. I don't care how much pyro you put on a stage, how much production you throw into that, no show (of any form) will ever top what came out of those four guys that night.

    Worst- One year I got dragged to a Christian-rock festival. Some of the bands were good, but on the other hand, some weren't so good.

  2. Hey, like I said, I'm terrible with Photoshop. I just saw this post and saw no one had replied so I though I'd help the guy out. The reason I have an airbrush in there is because LGM wants guitars and airbrushing to be represented. I think it wouldn't look all that bad on the back of a t-shirt but then, what do I know?

    It's pretty damned good for someone who's "terrible with photoshop"... :DB)

  3. most people have no idea what an airbrush is, and would only be interested in the final product that the airbrush can achieve, not the tool itself. I think many people would even think that airbrush is some kind of new high-tech bong.

    And Snork, I'm kind of amused that there's a Philip Morris real estate company. I guess they sell houses that you get so addicted to, you can never leave them, no matter how hard you try. :D

    I had the same thought about the airbrush thing when I first saw it... two crossed guitar necks would look better (IMO)

    Or maybe a neck laid across a guitar body?

  4. I'm looking for a moderately cheap hum to put in the bridge position of my guitar. it needs to blend with this set up.

    (neck) holy grail

    (mid) Hot gold

    (neck hum) ____

    i dont know if EMGS are a good choice wes... lol

    the other thing to watch for is, like the EMGs, it's difficult to combine Lace's Transensors with other pickups...

  5. Sorry Dan, I hit "null vote" because I hated zoloft and don't believe I ever had the pleasure of lofepramine. I opt for Serzone but my downs are wicked bad and it's all that seems to work without all the side effects.

    What I enjoy the most though is 2 vicodin and a brew or two (don't try this at home kids). Wait, that's not legal is it?? :D


    Good evening, Rush.

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