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Posts posted by Reaper

  1. OK listen go to www.rockler.com , they have a great selection of tools and some smaller exotic woods and all kinds of fun stuff. buy a router template guide set! there not that much$  they are excactly 29.99$ for a whole set of them!!! just buy it ! they are very useful.

    and also for holding down the template(depending on how big it is, you could mount little screws in were the pups go.

    i think that is an excelent idea(the screws)

    It's an idea I played around with for a while, but carpet tape holds just as well with less f*&^-up potential.

    And Jer, I'm not sure I understood you there. I've got three or four freely rotating bearings on the bit, wrap those suckers in tin tape, and you're good to go.

  2. Thanks, and I hope your talking about someone like Brian, and LGM writing the tutorial.. and not me.. lol.. I'm gonna see if I can find a place on the web with that same article.. if not.. I'll scan the pages maybe.. who knows.. lol

    well, a scanned article, or just a summary of what they had to say would be helpful....

  3. My only question: how would this shift the neck pickup placement (going from 24 to 22)?

    well, u should probably keep the bridge in the standard position, and just move the neck to account for the fact that it wasn't designed for an RG. In terms of the neck pickup, u don't really have to move it at all, but most guitars with 21 or 22 frets have the HB's spaced 4 inches apart (center to center) or if ur going to make a template off the RG u already own, then just leave then neck pickup where it is (less work). What ur going to have to do is find out there the bridge is supposed to be place/ where u want it, and from that, find the scale line for the brige, (i think it's 1/4" behind the whole for the floyd post?) lay ur neck on the body blank, then from that line take out ur long ruler and measure 25½" to the nut, once u have it placed correctly just mark a little line at the end of the neck that's 90 degrees to the center line of the guitar, that's going to be the bottom of ur neck pocket.. and when ur doing all ur routing, just move the template for the neck pocket up to this line, (make sure u keep it nice and square) and rout away.

    ok, thanks, but Wes explained all of that bridge positioning stuff to me in another thread (and I understand it completely). I'll probably just take the positioning off the current RG. Since I had one weak vote for telecaster a while back, and nothing else on that, and a couple stronger votes for RG, I think I'm gonna go with the RG.

  4. Roli- no, it's just a solid black Epi G400...

    Derek- that's my one concern, but it doesn't worry me too much, and yes JS's are 22 frets. My only question: how would this shift the neck pickup placement (going from 24 to 22)? I'm kinda leaning toward the RG- I have one and can trace it, and it seems to be quite simple.

    Jsully- just one prob- I'm 5'6"... hmmm I think V may be out. I'm not terribly excited about the design.

    I think I've narrowed it down to tele vs. RG... any thoughts on those two?

    Thanks to you all.

  5. Ok, I'm going to be cutting the body for my project axe in the next week, and I'd like some input. It's a hardtail axe, with direct mounted humbuckers (Fred and Pearly Gates, and that also means no rings and no pickguard), black hardware (gold switch), and would be mahogany with an oil finish. The neck is one of those 22-fret carvin bolt on types. I've been playing around in my head with the following body types, and I've narrowed it down to these (please don't suggest any others):




    -V (a la King V, or possibly the rounded Gibson style)

    I'm kinda leaning toward the RG or JS, but I'd like to know what you guys think.


  6. P.S - I also ran a couple of practice routs on scrap before using this method on the real thing. I would highly recommend doing this to build confidence and work out clamping/support issues. Obviously, don't attempt it on the real thing until you are sure it works.


    Listen to Dave :D

    That's how I know all of this stuff... I've been doing that. I'm not that nuts!

    Scott: the bearings are free-rotating. They're just on there loose like an idler gear, not turning with the bit. I really don't know why the tape goes as fast as it does, but I can't deal with it.

  7. Thanks for the tape tip... I've tried placing the tape on the template itself: it just comes off as the base of the router passes over it, isn't good for more than one pass, and gums everything up. The problem with bearing size is that the bit is .5", and I've yet to see a bearing that's .54" or .55" inches... :D

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