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Everything posted by TeiscosRock

  1. No armrest, just flat. I won't have to raise the neck up to compensate at all - as a matter of fact, this will help my action quite a bit. With the way its made right now, the top of the fretboard is damn near half an inch from the top of the body ( ). With the raised top, I'll be able to change to a hardtail strat bridge and have some nice string action once i get it refretted. Nah, this isn't one of the collectables, I've made sure of that. Its one of the ones that's from the same era and is a similar style, but really isn't worth much of anything. If I were looking for a Teisco as a collectors item (which I wouldn't mind having!), I would've looked a bit farther than this $50 eBay treasure. This one's basically just for prepping me for the scratch building of a guitar.
  2. As long as the scale length is still correct, the only problems I can see would be lack of sustain and lack of strength from the heel not being all the way into the pocket... If the scale length IS correct with the gap in, just ad a tight-fitting shim between the heel and body or sand down the butt of the neck and glue another piece of (maple?) onto the end, and shape it to fit into the pocket.
  3. I know there probably won't be any issues with this, but is there any forseeable problem with me converting an old Teisco guitar body into a semi-hollow flat top? The process would include stripping all the finish (obviously), routing some cavities in it, and adding a maple top, just like you would any other semi-hollow. The old body is thin, so the addition of a 1/4 inch top would make it about normal thickness, not to mention allow me to slap a hardtail strat bridge onto it. Any problems that anyone can see?
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