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Posts posted by TeiscosRock

  1. Well well well...

    In order of appearence and my reactions to each...

    Setch's DC LP swept me off my feet from the beginning. "That's my vote!" Says I...

    Then comes Doerenger's guitar... "Oh my god, look at that beatiful body! That's my vote!" says I...

    verhoevenc's guitar comes along, and it really tickled me deep on the inside where my big ol' bad blues self is hiding. "Theres my vote" says I... I'm beginning to see a pattern here.

    Scott's bass: "WOW! Thats green. Look at that neck joint! How is he doing this?! Theres my vote!" ... Woe is me at this point. 4 fantastic guitars and the month wasnt over yet!

    Godin: "Hey I've seen this before... It looks so comfy.. and look at that neck! My vote goes here!"

    Southpa: "Oooh! SG! Oooh! Blue-black burst! Vote, vote,vote!"

    Dan: Fantastic first build. I can only dream of having my first turn out that nice! I love that top so much, and believe me i was hell-bent on voting for you until....

    I looked back up and saw this picture again. And then this one. I'm sorry but if that ain't one of the most beautiful necks I've ever seen I don't know what is :D Go Godin! You also win the most artistic pictures award.

  2. Well i've got not much else to spend money on BUT guitars nowadays B)

    However now its down to whether or not i can scrape up the cash. I mean, the guys not actively looking for a buyer, so its probably going to be there for me if i ask him to hold it, but I dont wanna keep the guy waiting either :D

    I never get a good offer like this though, so I've got to at least try. :D

  3. I've got an acquantence(sp?) that i just recently found out is really into playing guitar, and wouldnt oyu know it he's selling one of his old guitars. It's a Gibson SG Special Faded... for $350. I'ev only talked to him online about it, and from what he says all thats wrong with it is one of the tuners is bent a bit but still works, and theres some rust on the pickups. What do you guys think? Deal or no deal? Its a pretty big investment seeing as how im just a high school kid with no money, but i figure if i can get some help paying for it, a $700 Gibbo for $350 aint bad!

  4. GFS pickups are pretty good. You can pick some up at store.guitarfetish.com

    I got a Tele blade humbucker for my tele and its pretty good.

    And not to hijack or anything, but he mentioned putting a hardtail bridge of some sort on that guitar, and i was wondering if theres an easier way to put a hardtail on than filling the dern trem cavities? I need to do the conversion on my Saga kit and I dont have any good wood to use to fill it int (nor do i know where to get any).

  5. AS far as my position on the sub-sub-sub-sub-genre thing goes, The only "metal" sub-genres I really follow are German (or Euro, if I ever find a band from another Euro country that doesnt scream *coughBloodbathcough*) Metal, and Craptastic Metal (Which encompasses all the screaming metal). German metal to me has a sort of charm to it, and tends to sound not nearly as cheesy as most of the stuff coming from the US nowadays. Even the guitar work is a whole lot less cheesy... And don't get be started on screaming metal...

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