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Posts posted by BeAR

  1. full_printed_sheet.jpg

    Got the decals printed today. I only need one Kramer one but you gotta pay for one A4 sheet so you may as well fill it up :D

    The body work has finished, so now its time to get painting. The body will be primed and then painted in a solid white colour. I should get this done over the next couple on nights.

  2. Some made, some downloaded. I used to do alot when I was playing in a duo, you know pubs and clubs but I just dont seem to find the time much anymore.

    Ive got quite alot and Ill get them posted when time permits. Hopefully others have some in their mp3 collections they would like to share.

  3. Ive been wanting one for as long as I can remember, so I finally decided to bite the bullet and make it. I have been scouring Ebay for ages waiting to find the right body and here it is.


    And this is what Im aiming for.....


    Ive allready filled the neck pickup rout and the switch/tone knob holes, modified the jack socket hole to take the correct jack and rough sanded the entire body.

    More pics to come!!!!!

  4. Im building my Van Halen 5150 Kramer replica and I need a Floyd. I want one in good to excelent condition, and may even consider a new one if any of the retailers out there sell them. I remember someone here selling them new..........cant find em tho. Also looking for a D-Tuna too.

    Please post what you've got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh yeah............chrome.

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