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Posts posted by BeAR

  1. Just make one!!!!!!!

    Piece of cake mate.

    I think this may be the best looking Korean Squire on the planet.

    Well maybe not but it sure looks a damn site better than it did. :D

    There really isnt that much to this. I have spent a grand total of 7 hours working on this so far. Obviously that time was broken up into sections........waiting for the glue to dry on the top was a killer.

    I put the base coat on quite thick to give me something to rub back. Im going to leave this for a few days before I attack it with some 1000 - 1200 wet and dry paper. Should be a nice stable base for the top coats.

    Im a bit concerned about getting the bridge placement right. I know the measurements, but you only get one shot!!!!!!!

  2. Ive owned them all, VAmp2, POD2 and JStation.

    I sold everything but the VAmp2. The amp models are fantastic, the effects are good and the price is even better.

    I havent found a sound I cant nail with it yet. But be aware, the presets suck. You really have to invest the time in your own programming to get the most out of it.

  3. Thanks, its good to see that someone has faith in me :D

    Im having the hardest time trying to decide whether to cut the headstock down from the 70's Big style to a regular Fender size and what colour to do.

    Heres the logo I have in mind for the small headstock.


    If go this way, I might do the body in a mid blue or burgandy metallic like the originals.

    ............Im so confused.

  4. For a start, I couldnt think of a better thing to do with a Squire than remove as much of the **** sounding wood as possible. It should be a beautiful thing when its finished so I dont see it as a waste.

    The beauty of 2 incomes and no kids means that I can still pay the bills and torture Korean guitars without losing too much sleep!!!! ........hehe, just think of it as a relic until its finished.

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