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Posts posted by BeAR

  1. Jehle, shoot me an email with your address. Santas comin' early. Ive got one A4 blank water slide sheet left and it yours if you want it. I figure I owe you for the contributions to the original logo idea.

    Jai, the lace's are in different covers. Thats why they look different. I bought some blank covers to replace the originals because the originals tend to fade to a creme/brown colour with exposure to UV light. They just dont look right on this guitar with a bright white pick guard. New covers cost $5 US from All Parts. I bought the laceys on ebay originally. Brand new never used................just faded to a shitty off white colour.

  2. Ash it is then!

    Jai, Ive ordered a set of Fender White accessories. May as well stick with what Ive started.

    I only need the knobs and back plate tho.........anyone want to buy some genuine Fender white pickup covers?

    Robert I think your right about the colour, Pewter rings a bell now that you mention it. The Hyundai colour was the closest I could find as Fender dont seem to like giving out the paint codes :D . I wonder why??????? hehe.

  3. Here's one of my new laser printed water decals and the newest paint job on my ongoing Japanese Strat body project. It was butterscotch colour last week :D

    The neck has been re finished in satin clear, then rubbed back with some 1200 grade paper for that slippery no stick feel.

    The body is as close as I could find to the old Eric Clapton Strat colour. (pics look a bit off colour) Its actually a Hyundai colour, Mid Grey. Im finally getting the hang of spraying Poly paint.........woo hoo!!!! Its only been hand polished for now, Ill give it a couple of months to really harden up, then Ill tear it down and machine buff it.

    Its been fully shielded and there is a set of Lace sensors to go in the pick guard this weekend. Vintage Kluson tuners should get fitted by Saturday too hopefully. Ill post somemore pics as I go.

    This was the timber last week after it was stripped....................Is this Ash? I think it is but Im no expert.

  4. Problem with active boost is this....................Unless you have noisless pickup like Lace Sensors, or Fender Vintage Noiselss etc, you'll end up boosting the noise your pickups make as well. Sounds strange I know, but thats why the Clapton Strats use the above mentioned pickups. There noise floor is low enough to not be affected by the boost. It all comes down to signal to noise ratio, and your average single coils just wont be upto the task.

    Trust me Ive tried it.

    If you still want to press on, give these a go :-


    Use the Guitar Cavity version. Ive made this and hade good results with Lace sensors.


    Here are more DIY effect type projects.

    Good luck!!!!

  5. Try using some micro fine paper before the final polish. After the 1200, move to 1500, then 2000. If you take your time, youll be able to polish out the 2000 scratches by hand . If you try to polish out 1200 scratches you really need a machine buff to be 100% sucessful.

  6. huh? Height adjustment on a Floyd saddle?

    Never seen that before. Ive got a floyd, floyd 2, and lo-pro and none of them have individual saddle height adjustments. What am I missing here? Each saddle is a different height to match the curvature of the fret board but thats as far as it goes.

    Height is set by the posts, on every locking trem I have. And I defy anyone to pick the tonal difference with a slip of paper 1cm square under one saddle. Rhodes56 your ears are better than mine!!!!!! :D

  7. Id prolly just shim the low B string with a slip of thin card or paper. Cut slightly smaller than the area between the bridge and the bottom of the saddle and you wont even see it. Ive done this before and it definately doesnt affect the tone transfer. Or if it does its not audibly noticable. Should raise the srring enough to get rid of the buzz.

  8. http://www.guitarnuts.com/wiring/shielding/tele.html

    Mate just buy some copper foil and follow these instructions.

    Fenders are full of ground loops anyway and this method really works. Removing the ground loops and replacing them with a star ground is the best way to go. Should only take an hour or two and the difference is massive. I have done one of my strats already and the guitar used to be exactly as you described. A reasonably annoying hum until I touched the strings or bridge. Now its quiet enough to play infront of my monitor with good results.

    I believe if your going to pul your axe apart and spend an hour or so looking for a dry solder joint, you may aswell do the job properly.

  9. Good advise, but read the instructions carefully of the new equiptment. Some products have switchmode power supplies which will take either voltage and step it down accordingly. If the product has an external power supply, ie the 'black brick' either plugged into the wall or half way up the cable, simply look at the specifications and purchase a similar 'Aussie" transformer. Only two specs you need are voltage and current drain.

    ........but please post again before trying these steps...................I aint responsible for the burnt smellin' ADA :D

  10. Hopefully someone here can help. I have 3 Fender Lace sensor pickups and two of them have faded and yellowed covers. They look like crap.

    I need 2 or 3 white single coil covers WITHOUT the pole piece holes. Similar to the originals or EMG's. Plain white.

    I remember seeing some years ago but cant find any now that I need them. I want to use the laces in a new project but UV faded creme just aint gonna look right and I dont want to scrap the pickups just because of the covers.

    PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  11. I still find that it is only the boutique manufacturers that shield their hi end guitars properly tho.

    $3500 AU for a custom shop Strat that only has a piece of tin foil in the back of the scratchplate, and more ground loops than I care to mention.

    I had this done in the space of 2 hours from start to finish.

  12. I followed the instructions on the guitarnuts site for sheilding single coil guitars and all I can say is wow!!

    The difference is amazing. Sitting infront of my monitor used to drive me nuts and forced me to use a noisegate for recording which was a pain in the ass. Now the buzzing has gone. I can really crank the gain now and not worry about the extra hum.


    Follow these instructions to the letter and you cant go wrong.

    On a side note, I deleted the .33uf 400V cap and used a straight wire instead. Works just fine.

    Ive also found a place close to my home that sells the copper foil with the adhesive backing VERY cheap.

    One square is enough to do a Strat and costs me $10 AU. About $6 US. For the result I got, its the cheapest most effective mod I have EVER done. Period.

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