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Posts posted by jener8tionx

  1. Here's my 2 cents...

    1. The fuse idea is a good one.

    With a light fuse, 80ma you protect yourself against sudden surges of electricity, if a large bust comes through the line, it's not going to take minutes to blow, it will be damn near instant, there is a limit to the nuber of electrons that can pass through the wire at a time, if it is lower voltage, and the fuse isn't going to blow instantly, you will FEEL it and be able to react.

    My Fender has ha this wire on it since the day I bought it, and no problems yet. I didn't even concve of thie problem until now. If you are really scared of being shocked to death, maybe the best solution is to remove the wire and just shield the crap out of the pickup and wiring. If it was me...and it is with my fender, I'd just instal very light gauge wire like the type in pickup wiring that cannot conduct much electricity.

    Also the fuse won't blow with normal use, I mean think about it, the current is going through the guitar as you play it right? Are you getting shocked all the time? no, so it can't be enough current to blow the fuse with normal use.

    PS, anyone who sees flaws in my logic/reasoning, please point them out to keep the integrity of this post.

  2. We're loggin our back 40 acres and there will be a ton of wood. Here there is maple, paper birtch, and oak....there are various pines too. Ok here's the deal, if anyone would like raw wood post what you're looking for and I'll put a price up for you...just tell me the kind of wood and the dimentions. (EG, 4 x 4 x 40 maple) I'm making some one piece bodies out of maple!!!...the proce will be based on size and type of wood...BTW I'm going to try to keep things cheap in terms of $$$ I'm mostly doing this for the board. Keep in mind though that wood is heavy! and I have to ship it. If interested I can post pictures of pieces. I also would love to trade!

  3. take heep to the last post...the wood is junk unless it is dried...you cvan kiln dry at a lumber mill, or there are two options

    1. Put the wood in the oven at 180->200 degrees for about 8 hours, give or take an hour or so

    if the oven isn't big enough and you want to do it the really really old fassion way

    2. find a metal container that the wood can fit into. Build a fire with scrap hard wood then shovel the coals to one side. Put the metal container...with the neck in it! into the fire pit. Cover the container with the coals...make sure that the neck doesn't directly touch the container....you just don't want nasty burn marks on your wood! Cover the coals with either sawdust (better) of loose sand or dirt and leave for a day or so....the time is dependant on many factors here, use common sense.

    did this help at all?

    BTW pine sucks

  4. I've build many custom subwoofer boxes and such and have used HDF and MDF in varying thicknesses. The nice part of both is that while supper dense, they still absorb vibrations. This is important in subs because otherwise the box would creat harmonic vibrations which, needless to say, sound like poop. This absobtion of vibrations is the opposite of what you're looking for in a guitar body...I do want to say though, that MDF would be nice to work with, but dusty...It's hell to paint too.


    BTW my 1st post!!!!!!

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