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Posts posted by chunkielad

  1. Firstly, WOW - you guys do some amazing stuff.

    Secondly I thought I'd do some progress pics on my recent project (read FIRST PROJECT)

    I bought a strat copy when I was 15 (now 29) it was a jimi hendrix looky likey - pearl white with white verything. I striped it years ago when i got bored of it and never put it back together. The neck warped, threw that away, the bits got lost and I ended up with a body.

    Well, about 5 years after striping it, I've decided to work on it and return it to it's former glory but better.

    First pic


    This is the general layout (I'm a signwriter so the decal is cut vinyl i have laquered over. Scratch plate is paper at the mo and the green sticker isn't attached - it's going to be a domed decal ontopof the laquer.

    This is the bridge I'll be using - does anyone forsee a problem having the string ball right at the back of the bridge (no ferrules in the guitar as the old trem hole was left (decided on fixed bridge after starting paintwork!))


    The decal


    The guitar from the hornsend - laquered up on the front (back hasn't been done - I've no where to hang it so it gets sprayed front - left to set and sprayed back)


    Butt end - not there is going to be a 'burst' type fade over the end of the vinyl stripes so you will not see the ends.

    The body is solid wood (god knows what) with a thin veneer on the top but not pretty enough to do anything natural.

    I filled the neck and mid pickups bu glueing in wood then sanding, then smearing epoxy over them and sanding again.

    Comments please?

    Oh and I'm not black but did like the idea of making the guitar a tribute - each monster I do will be a tribute to someone I think.

    Next I will look to making my own body but still buying a neck and then who knows?

    Anyone see a problem using this bridge?


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