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Posts posted by SHOJIDOUG

  1. all of a sudden there is this new CNC machine in school and turns my CADCAM files in reality.!!!Ash HK  :D

    You lucky dog, I wish I had the possibility to use such a machine!

    Just out of curiosity, what cad software and cam processor have you planned to use to generate the toolpaths? I have tried to model a carved top body with SolidWorks with very little success. Can you suggest more suitable software?

    Also, what kind of fixtures will you use to attach the body blank to the router's table?

    What comes to the veneer, save it for your later projects. Guitar building is highly addictive, so I'm quite sure you will come up with plenty of plans to use it while CNC'ing the first body.



    Well, I personally use a software that no one has ever heard before. Its called Pro/Desktop. If you want I can mail you a copy. ITs very good for visulalising and using different planes and surfaces.

    Heres a quick screenshot of a tuneomatic I did:


    There are many things to do with this software so give it a try.

    Ash HK :D

    I hope its not rude to ask, but If you could see your way clear to let me have a copy I would be forever graitfull.

    Thanks much


  2. Hi all

    First would like to thank the creators and moderators of this site.

    Now on to the Questions.

    Does any one know of suppliers of fret rails and how to instructions.

    I have the fret rod concept pretty much worked out but sure could use more info on both of these subjects

    here's some links to the stuff I already have.

    Thank you for any thing you can share






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