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Posts posted by Sabudum

  1. All right! That helps a lot, i tried reversing the coil polarity, and the magnet is placed correctly, i could make the low E string sustain now, but only that, other strings won't sustain, and i've already tried rebuilding the entire circuit with new parts, still the same result, i'm gonna try with the buffer now, and see if it improves something, i'll post the results here as soon as i can.

    Thanks for the the help, everyone, especially you Col.

  2. Hmm... Col is right about the resistance, my first try was a bit over 8ohms and didn't quite work well, so a multimeter is necessary. Just from the looks of things, you might try using just one of the cores for your driver, but I can't say for sure. I don't know if the coil would fit on just one, but it did look like it might. Just an idea, not the cause of the problem. 108 turns seems a bit low to me, I usually needed about 120 to 130 but of course it will be different for your exact bobbin. 0.2 mm or 32 gauge wire should be correct. Also, PVA or white glue should be used to pot the coil, this can be a big problem if done wrong which will decrease the efficiency of the coil. Efficency = less power, part pete's design.

    A buffer is necessary for the amp to be happy, here is a GREAT source of information on the subject


    This also makes me curious as to your volume and gain controls. These are a VERY important variable as well, if both are full on and you gain is set to the highest(up to 200) your not going to get sustain. Gain is controlled by the resistance between pins 1 and 8, Volume is controlled by bleeding off some current to ground, it's usually a pot before the input to the circuit, pin 3 inverting, pin 2 non-inverting.

    Uhum, i'm aware of all that, just what type of buffer would be best in this case?

    and how about removing once and for all the Gain pot, by replacing it with some resistor? is that a viable solution? although i never rev up the gain.

  3. I can see, well, i calculated the coil with this two programs:



    in the second program, it is very clear that the DC resistance is adjusted to 8 ohms

    however, in the first one, the resistance appears to be multiplied by 0.1, since it always shows something around 0.8 ohms as resistance, im not sure how that one works, but anyway, with any configuration i try, the result is always the same, around 0.8

    the measures of my bobin:

    Width: 5 mm

    Length: 63 mm

    Height: 3 mm

    Number of turns: 113

    impedance: 8 ohms

    Edit: im sorry i mistook the number of turns from 108 to 113, in fact, the number of turns, is 108

  4. how many turns on the coil?

    what is the dc resistance of the coil?

    how is the magnet attached to the core?

    there's 113 turns to the coil, in order to have 8 ohms impedance

    The resistance is 1.378 ohms and resistance per meter is 0.549 ohms/meter

    the magnet is simply attracted to the core, as the core is a steel core, so the magnet naturally attaches itself to it, i left the original magnet that came with the pickup, as i couldn't find any other, that was better.

  5. WOW! Thanks for your help guys, about the pickup i used to make the driver, ir actually contained 2 coils, with 2 cores, obviously, like this one:


    And i made my driver with 0.2 gauge wire, the bobin thickness is precisely 3 mm, everything checks out, i tried also replacing the driver with a speaker, the sound is clean, perfect, although, i never added a buffer before the pre-amp, maybe that is the problem?

    Also, i build everything myself, including the circuit.

    Another thing, although the pickup i used contained 2 coils, i made the driver with only one coil, altering this way, the entire structure of the original pickup, where it had 2 coils, i made only one occupying the same space, this way the problem about the phase with the coils would be nonexistent. I also left the coil with only one core, otherwise it would generate other problems that would give me a headache. hehe

    And at last, an image of my driver, please understand i couldn't take the best picture of it, as my camera is very cheap:


    I'll keep moving forward, thanks! :D

  6. Hello, im new to this forum, and i've been accompanying the Sustainer Thread for quite a while, and now that i decided to finally build it, it just won't work for me, and i can't seem to find the problem, after a thorough search through this forum i couldn't find the problem, i even tried rebuilding everything, from circuit to driver, but nothing seems to fix it, i tested everything individually, and everything works fine, the circuit works, it amplifies the signal, the driver works, and if i wire it as a pickup it will even get some signal from the strings. I used the Ruby amp project as the circuit, and built the driver from an old single coil, dual blade pickup, my guitar has only one hum-bucker. Can someone help me pinpoint what's wrong with my build?

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