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Bus Bob

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Posts posted by Bus Bob

  1. We had to move a couple weeks after the surgery, so I never got any physical therapy. Drove the bus down from northern MN to Nashville with one hand. They did give me some papers explaining how to do it myself though... which I did religiously.

    I had a bright orange cast from mid forearm to finger tips. I'd hang it out the window while driving to keep it cool and cut down on swelling. People thought I was signaling a right turn. :D When you are a player, you can just never be too careful with power tools.

  2. Hi. I'm boB. Some of you know me.

    Almost 49 - Drink too much - Love guitars - Married to a MILF - Been playing guitar, on & off, since age 15 - Have learned repair by default - Desire to build a custom to fit my personal needs and upgrade my present guitars.

    By trade I am a small studio owner that dabbles in Voice-Over, mixing and mastering. As far as building guitars, I guess I'm a wanna-be hobby builder and forced into repair and customization by great need and a lack of funds... As a guitarist I am also a wanna-be, hobby player. Time is the biggest enemy in both cases.

    I like this forum. With the exception of myself, it seems to attract some serious and talented people. I am here to learn whatever I can about the art of guitar building and just to rub shoulders with some old friends.

  3. Normal fingers, but my hands are a bit larger than average. The unique feature I have is the remnants of a smashed finger. I smashed the pinky on my left hand while working on the bus. Every bone in it was broke, most crushed. The small knuckle was broke in half and part of it, along with the bone from the tip of the finger, was somewhere else in my finger.

    Several surgeons said they couldn't help. Finally one did, and she did a great job. It's healed now. I don't have 100 percent movement and it hurts to play, but I am playing the guitar again. I love the guitar and was quite horrified when I pulled the mangled finger out of the machinery. Now I have a slight bend in it that I didn't used to have. Not sure yet, but I think it may actually help me play some things better.

    If you are twisted enough, there is a post-surgery photo at the bottom of my bus page.


  4. One player that's not on the site, and probably won't be for a while because he's not really computer savvy, is a guy named Larry Rolando.  You don't know it, but you've heard him.  He's a massive Nashville studio musician who's played on countless records.  He got his Tremol-No a few weeks ago, and after a little tweaking, he's re-loving his old custom Strat.  If/when he gets online, I'll get some words from him and maybe a pic.  Great player, who I hope I'm making a greater player.  :-)

    Hi Kev. I don't get on the forum as often as I would like to. Nice to read about all the positives with the Tremol-No. Send Larry over and I'll do the photo and on-line stuff with him if he wants... and I'll try my best not to be too intimidated by his abilities. I can go to him too, if that is more convenient. Whatever.

  5. Rick, Deep Purple was my first real concert. I must have been at least 16. I drove a car load of kids to the show. Passed out behind the wheel on the way home... Nobody died. Anyway, It was the "Machine Head" tour and Rick Derringer opened. Blackmore ruled at that show. My second concert was Ted Nugent - back in the Amboy Dukes days. ZZ Top opened at that show.

  6. "I consider myself "real lucky" to have grown-up"

    Me too. :D That aside...

    I am also 48 and in love with Prog Rock. I bought the first Black Sabbath album when "The Monkeys" were popular. After that my taste began to get more and more progressive. Big influences were Al DiMiola, Rush, Kansas, etc. These days I am diggin' the heavier stuff, but the Prog influence is always there. One of my all-time favorite bands... Dream Theater.

    I find it interesting that I seem completely unable to program simple drum patterns. Thanks to Prog Rock, I'll never write a hit song. That's probably not a bad thing.

  7. If Maple is bright sounding I need to consider it. The sound of the low b is a big issue with me.

    I could live with the standard Lo-Pro, but a new trem would be cool. Maybe by the time I get ready to start this Brian or someone will know how to rout it.

    I am getting rather excited about this. I love UVs, but have always desired more sustain and a little brighter sound. This may be my answer. I wonder how freaky it would be to use the standard UV template for the body, but make it a little thicker, like maybe Les Paul thickness? I bet those strings would really hum.

  8. Thanks guys. Ash seems to have the properties I am looking for. A couple others have suggested it as well. I think I am going to have a body made. Let the pros do it, ya' know? I will try one myself, but not the first time. My first custom will present me with a big enough challenge just getting the neck on right. I will do the routing for the Sustainer myself.

    Scott, sustainiac is the only 7-string sustainer I am aware of as well. I have been asking around.

    Now, I wonder if I can find one of those new style Edge trems...

  9. I quit my job. Besides finally having time to play my present guitars, I am looking forward to starting work on my own custom. I want it to be like a UV or RG 7-string with a sustainer in the neck position. I will probably look for a used Ibanez 7 neck and get custom inlay done.

    I am lost on the type of wood to use for the body though. I want gonzo sustain and bright tone, two things that probably don't go together.

    Suggestions please. :D

  10. Guitars:



    Prestige RG2027

    Les Paul Custom

    Washburn A-220

    Lo Prinzi Acoustic-Hand Made

    Ibanez 5-string bass-forgot which model


    Marshall-1978 JMP-50 Watt

    Rivera TBR-1SL

    POD-Mostly used to record bass.

    Marshall 4X12 bottom


    I have lots, but here’s what is dedicated to my guitar rig.

    Alesis Quadraverb

    Bad Horsie Wah

    Little alligator Volume

    DS1 Distortion

    Rolland EQ

    Digitech Whammy Pedal

    I don’t use any of them. I always seem to just plug straight in.

    I also like to record using Line 6 Amp Farm for Pro Tools. I like this plugin. I dislike the POD.

  11. I just want to reiterate that the temp of the wax is important. I have ruined a couple pups in the past. If you don’t have a thermometer, do as Brian wrote and take your time melting the wax. I used to let it sit and cool until a thin crust formed on top of the wax before dipping the pups. I think that’s a good way to gauge the temp.

  12. The small counter-sunk, brass screws that hold the threaded plate under the saddles on some Lo Pro Edge trems, between 1998 & 99 were glued in. They will break when trying to unscrew. Soak the trem plate in Mineral Spirits for 5 minutes and they will break loose.

    Source-Self. Replacing the broken screws requires connections in the industry.

    Really obscure, as few have the glue. I was just lucky enough to run into it twice. :D I do not know if Mineral Spirits damages the chrome on a trem. I wouldn’t think so.

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