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Posts posted by simonwasp

  1. Hello everyone this is my 1st time here and my first time doing a clear coat. I have a swirled JEM style body from Out of this swirled. So I am told that it currently has only a base coat sprayed on for shipping purposes. Alan at OTS has instructed me to not use any spray cans or Nitro clear coats and to only use Acyrlic Clear Coat. He has suggested using a brand called 2 pack, but I can not find it in the U.S. only in europe. So I guess I am trying to find 1. the best product and 2. the best way of applying it to the guitar. So far I have heard every possible take on the situation but no one agrees. Some say Nitro will eat the paint. Plus the base coat is Acrylic so I need to keep that going. I have been told that Krylon Triple Thick clear coat in the shake can actually works really well. Does anyone have any suggestions. Much appreciated.


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