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Posts posted by Maurits

  1. Yikes!!!! :D

    Glad youpointed that out to me, plus a great tip about the wax paper. Good luck with the project. I'm sure all the wonderfull people here will help you out. Us newbies are all here to learn from our and other's mistakes after all. I'm sure it will turn out fine and turn theRG into your new favorite guitar after it is filled with all your blood, sweat and tears :D.

  2. I'd go nitro, wear and tear looks good on guitars anyway so for me personally that wouldn't be a problem. There are some things to look out for when using nitro though. First of which you probably already know of is not putting it on a stand where it is in direct contact with the rubber/foam stuff on the stand as this will stain the wood. Plus a littler known finish killer, bug repelent(sp.) will eat away nitro.

    In the end it's up to what you want though. An authentic finish or a better protecting finish.

    BTW. What's up with the sanding :D

  3. Looking good, I really like neck-though Explorers. But that headstock looks like it will be huge. Nice and original though you might just have to build a custom case to fit that sucker.

    Personally I think a dark-blue/purple stain would look great on a guitar like this one. Might look nice with the wenge pup-rings. I wouldn't do a solid color.

  4. You're in luck if it's the string height that's causing the trouble because you can easily raise it yourself, unless maybe if it's a Floyd Rose (which remain a complete mystery to me), but it could be that it's caused by the neck being bowed or the frets not being level, which is trickier to fix.

    Hope this helps and good luck


  5. Thanks Nitefly,

    I knew about the thickness but wasn't sure about the front view size. I have the thickness taken care of allready. Turns out cheap crappy construction has saved me tons of work. It used to be a cheap LP standard copy, of which I have have actually completely removed the top in less than 15 minutes. Now it is about as thick as a tele, which I believe is close enough for my little project.



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