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Posts posted by Maurits

  1. Really? I have only seen that one YYZ video, and if I remember correctly he played over the bridge pickup. Of course I could be mistaken. Playing close to the bridge does make it easier to playing faster, for some of those Harris-songs.

  2. I really like how the 'grain' of the carbon goes in opposite ways going from body to fretboard to headstock. Gives it just the contrast it needs in my opinion. That's definatly a pretty damn wild guitar. It's just that the thread title should have said: And now for something completely different. 'cause this isn't a little different anymore.

  3. I'm with RobG on this one. A P-J combo might be the way to go. I have the same on my bass and I can get a wide variety of tones out of it. The Geddy Lee Signature Jazz Bass has something like vintage spec J-bass pups in it IIRC. And if this is the tone you're after definatly shy away from using a pick, just keep on fingerpickin' close to the bridge.

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