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Posts posted by Maurits

  1. That is a seriously cool looking bass, the only letdown in my eyes is the headstock. Reminds me of my own Frankenbass.

    -found on someones attic (always good)

    -Late 60's/early 70's Japanese Condor P-bass

    -(crudely) added J-bass pickup






    BTW. Have you got standard wiring or something special in there?

  2. Well after wanting this for years I've finally started my first real build. Together with a friend of mine we're building a fretless 4-string neckthru bass each.

    Here's the specs:


    -zebra wings

    -coromandel fretboard (with maple lines)

    -chrome hardware

    -oil finish

    -2 J-bass pickups

    We've decided to build a prototype to get some practise down using cheap wood, as this is our first build and don't want to ruin nice wood.

    So anyway here are the all important pics.




    Fretboard (such lovely pieces of wood)








    Neck wood







    Hope I didn't break any photoposting rules, and if so I'll change them.

    So what do you guys think?

  3. Thats looking great. I'll definatly be keeping an eye on this build is I'm actually working on a neckthru right now without use of massive tools. Our plan was to cut out the horns and then glue the wings, and to see someone on PG do the same gives a good feeling. Keep it up man.

    Just a few question, for the pups caveties and the control area will you be using a columndrill or just a hand one? And how are you going to do the wiring 'tunnels' for thepickup wires?


  4. If the jack isn't making contact properly just take it out and bend the bendie thing (what does one call that) of the input. Test fit it before putting it back in the guitar to save the hassle of having to take it out again. And if you were to replace it all together it would only cost you around a buck.

    I'd say go for the repair, I wouldn't like to gig with a guitar with jack-issues like that one.

  5. Funny, I was just explaining how Syd didn't die back in the seventies to someone last friday, and then this happens the same day. I for one think the Syd era Floyd put out some cracking tunes. Songs like Pow R. Toc H., Lucifer Sam and The Gnome are just great songs.

    Another one off to the great gig in the sky, although Syd probably won't be joining in on any of the playing.

  6. This looks like it'll be one great looking guitar, I loved it before all the added wear a lot and it doesn't look too shabby now either. Are you going to switch out the electrics or is it just going to be a cosmetic overhaule?

    Keep up the great work. Your paint job has inspired me to do some sort of psychedelic paint job on my own squier, so a little question: what prep work did you do prior to painting the Hendrix-design on it?



  7. Hi guys,

    I've recently bought myself a 50-something year old archtop for cheap with the idea of me fixing some things which could use improving. It was reasonably playable if 1 cm. action is your thing, but overall sucked.

    My plans were:

    -reset the neck(already removed with dovetail intact (1-0 for me :D ))

    -new tuners

    -make/buy (most likely buy :D ) compensated bridge (original is basically a fretted piece of bridge-shaped wood)

    -maybe new tailpiece

    -straighten neck


    All of these are for me quite do-able (fretting should be interesting) except for one. The only real problem is the straightening of the neck. The warp it has isn't too bad, and my idea was leaving the fretboard on and just plane it, radius it, reslot it and refret it wth the neck still in one piece. Maybe even try my hand at inlaying the thing.

    So my question is: Is this do-able/a recomended way of doing this? If so, great. But if no, how should I go about doing this?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Photo's are to follow if I take up this challange.

    Thanks in advance, and please don't laugh at my incompetance,


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