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Posts posted by au3078

  1. You can still use a fanned fretted board with a standard neck. when i did it i only used an 1" difference( 25" and 26" scales). and layed it out so the bridge was the "straight fret". cool thing bout doing it this way you can change with fret board with alittle work and use the longer bass side scale if you dont like the franned fret. im not sure how big of a difference one would want to go im thinking around 1.5". i just kinda shot for half of what everyone was doing with a fanned bridge. little food for thought

  2. Im at work. and all my carbon fiber link stuff is at home on my computer there. but googling carbon fiber is all i did to find them but i will post up some of my sites i use when i get home tonight.

    one very big thing I forgot to mention was always always always wear the proper safe equipment for working with this. Bad stuff to get in your lungs.

  3. Carbon fiber is tricky but very doable if you do your homework. I only know about carbon fiber because we use it to make prosthetics at work

    1. make sure you neck have a roughed texture to it. the resin will stick better. 120 grit is the highest i would go.

    2."brush" on the resin but its more dabbing than anythign to try and pusht he resin into the fibers

    3. when ever we do a lam in the lab that we can vaccoom bag we use a sheet of wet PVA plastic and stretch it over what we a lamming to. make sure you have no wrinkles. they can be a pain in the butt to sand out. and you can see air pockets too. for a neck its prolly going tp take a few people to do it

    4. use a slick shoe string or parachute cord to drag the resin around underneath the PVA.

    5. tape off and seal up anything you dont want resin on. we use plain old masking tape with good success.

    I dont know bout the whole tape and poking holes thing could work but sounds very messy.

    how are you going to do the sides of the neck?? it is goign to wrap up beside the fret board??? stop and have a lip or sand it till it tapers in??? just curious

    i have been wanting to make a neck and body out of carbon fiber but do to the cost and time i cant right now.

    Good luck.

  4. sorry i dont post much cuz i dont feel like i have room to talk on lot of these subject but having build a guitar with this kind of neck joint. one needs to keep in mind how deep you pockets for you pickups and what kind of bridge you are using.. i used a flyod rose. and wish i have only run the neck up to the bridge and not past it. just food for thought. on a bass i hardly doubt you will have this issue.

  5. some ideas bout smoothing out the epoxy resin hold plastic or a sheet of PVA over is with not wrinkles in the sheet. no vacuum needed just a few hands. and you can see the air spots and work them out. we do that in the lab i work at. the reason i was asking about the resin was i know there are different type of resins for lamming up carbon. looks good tho.

  6. a carve top can be done but it will take longer in ways. mostly planning out how to draw it. i started a blended cut on the body shape. I understand about transfering the body shape thats drawn on paper to the one on the computer I always get them close but sometimes its just like eh and I delete them. How long have u been using ProD?

  7. The PRODESKTOP is the a none licensed verison of PROE and u can get it for free of their website I think. the only thing is you are only suppose to use it for private use. so your guitar is all one part or is it any assembly?? Is this for a college course?? Have you tried to do any carve tops?? with like a blend?? lookign at this makes me more determaned to finish mine.

  8. What CAD and CAM programs are you using?? It looks pretty good to me. only thing I can see is smoothing the heel out a little into non cut-away part. how long did this take you to make?? I have been messing with a guitar in PROE alittle but is nowhere near to being done. hmm makings me start thing bout build one and having it cut out. hmm or maybe rapid prototyping. if anyone gets a chance to done anything with rapid protoyping. Ill stop now but i like ur shape and it looks good.

  9. draw the body shape. use polyline to draw the shape. extruded the shape to as deep as you want. the hardest part for me is drawing the shape of the body and gettign it to look right. you can practice simpler shapes till you feel better bout doing more complex ones. if i had my book i could help more but i dont have it on me. hope this helps some cuz this is all i remember off the top of my head

  10. practice, practice, practice. learn all you can about a program and keep learning it. get books about the programs, take classes at a college. if you have the time the more you learn about the program and keep using it the easy it is to create in it. but first you have to deciede what program you want to use. I know off the top of my head there is solidwork and pro e and auto cad. Ive used proe I like it kinda hard at times. its the most powerful, Ive heard solidworks is really good too, autocad is ok for 3d cad best for 2d tho. just take ur time and pick a program and leanr it.and getting frustrated is part of the game. cuz soemtimes it doesnt always render the shape how you want it.

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