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Posts posted by NickCormier

  1. +1 for the real thing....have a look at the photoflame strats, nice idea but didn't work.

    I bought 3x 1/4" quilt tops from a guy on ebay (US) for $80 inc. shipping to the UK....hardly expensive.

    was it like an ebay store? Could you post a link if you can find it? I search like every day on ebay and cant find any that would be under $80 for one small piece (also building a large shape guitar which wont fit in your normal strat shape)

  2. So.. I was thinking of doing my own guitar. but IM soo scared of the finish (not to mention everything, but finish is worst)

    I want to do a quilt top looking finish, but so expensive for real quilt maple, and veneers are so annoying to get on (Tried before, failed bad lol)

    I was thinking about how people talk about cheap guitars having "Photo finish" tops.. Like the $200 guitars that have those quilt finishes, like say Dean Edge bass's, or Agile guitars, or Schecter acoustics, etc..

    How exactly is that done? Is it like they take a picture of a quilt top already coloured, print it out on a vinyl sticker or something and stick it on, then finish over it with clears/lacquers?? Would that even work?

    It might not have that 3D effect of the $5000 PRS's, but if its decent enough like the $200 quilt top guitars that you see so often, That would be great for my first build before Im confident to attempt something so complex..


  3. Hey guys.. Considering starting my first 2 project guitars... well depending on how one goes... I was going to do a Jackson Kelly shape, but Im quite interested in the Rhoads shape

    I do love the Jackson Rhoads / ESP Alexi shape and look.. its just I want to be able to sit down with my guitar to play.. And I dont like the classical position, I also kinda slouch in my chair when I play, so thats why normally I only play Strat shapes or Kelly shapes.. no Vs

    (like this shape, IMO looks really cool other than the color)


    I was curious though, saw that Gothic cutaway Rhoads that someone here made, how the upper side was like carved out, kinda like those Moser or Rico Jr guitars.. I was wondering, If I could do something like that to make a little cut in on the bottom, so it could rest on my leg and be able to play like that.. That would be perfect.. but Im not exactly sure how to do it, im not very artistic at all lol

    Anyone wanna help me with the design? As I said, I cant make it look good, no matter how hard I try adding half circles and etc, Its just weird... I can't picture it in my mind, so therefor I cant draw it. I know theres some really creative people on here tho (Metal Matt, etc) so could someone gimme a nice rough sketch of how it might look cool and be practical?

  4. Hey.. Im thinking of getting a neckthru blank made for my first project guitar.. and I am looking to get a 12th fret inlay..

    I have the design basically picked out, but im just not sure what inlays would look like on Maple, since its so rare to see anything except dots on maple..

    What I was thinking, is a 7-pointed star at the 12th fret.. Now using JCF's custom shop generator, I can kinda make a mock up of how it might look..


    Now that would be probably inlayed im assuming with like either stained MOP, or some kinda Recon stone.. Im not sure, something that looked good though hopefully..

    Would anyone happen to have some pictures of coloured inlays in Maple? That would REALLY help!

    Also, I was considering doing that, but maybe adding colour in the middle of the star, like an orange stained MOP, or just normal white MOP... Not exactly sure what would look good since I havent even seen much coloured maple inlays... The mockup doesnt look as appealing thouh for this idea, but Im curious to see what it would be like in real life..


    Actually, if anyone had an Ebony fretboard that had like say, MOP outlining on something, then blue inside it, I would be interested in looking at that too, as Im considering the same inlay, but on Ebony with white MOP on the outside, and blue on the inside..

    Edit: Probably should mention, im going to get the fretboard made from a CNC machine from an inlay outsourcer. heh

  5. At first I thought it was one of the Agile bodys, just everything removed.. Great work, wish you were my brother lol

    One thing im curious about those guitars in general, if you dont mind explaining to me..

    The input jack is on the upper wing, but it has no cavity route.. How does that work? Do you just drill a hole in and put the wires thru to the main cavity?

    Im asking because im really considering my first build and it will have a jack similar to that, position wise.. Far from the cavity

  6. if I have any money left after I try and get all the stuff I need.. I'll contact you.. but it might be like 2 weeks =[[ Sorry heh Hopefully you'll still have it though

    Because I don't really need this, I just finished my huge rig and still have my small practice amp.. but it would be nice to have this someday hehe

  7. Selling my Roland micro cube it's a little less than 2 months old. I cant say enough on the sound of this little amp from clean to dirty power adapter included also runs off AA batteries. I'm lazy so you can google all the info you need on this amp :D Just purchased it's bigger 30 watt cousin payed $129 for the micro asking $75 shipped in the US paypal only


    Hmm would you ship to Canada? ive always wanted one of these heh

  8. Looking to sell or trade abunch of guitar stuff I have that I don't use anymore.. I don't really know what I want for pricing on most of it, so I will leave some blank.. just PM me and maybe we can work something out.. I will try putting price on ones I kinda know what to expect though..

    Looking for trades or just plain buying the following items (used plz for cost)

    - Seymour Duncan Jazz 7 neck pickup

    - Low costing Blue or Amber quilt 5 string bass (4 will do too maybe)

    - Edge Lo-Pro 7 (with all parts)

    - Lo-pro 7 Locking nut

    - Edge Lo-Pro 6 (just the bridge itself)

    - Dimarzio D-Sonic 7 string pickup

    - Dimarzio D-Sonic 6 string pickup

    - Levy's Leathers Snowflake Strap (Jack Frost) REALLY WANT!

    ALso here, If anyone could help me make a body blank for a guitar I want, I would do a trade on that (or flat out cash).. I was going to buy a neckthru blank from Doeringer, but I never built a guitar before, so I would like some assistance.. I would pay for the neckthru blank, then you could get it, glue the wings on/shape it.. route everything.. Maybe finish if you can/want.. Then ship it back to me.. in trade for some item/s.. PM me if interested, It would be greatly appreciated!

    Anyways, heres some of the stuff I am trying to sell..

    Washburn XB120 bass in Gray.. Decent condition, but pickups and wiring seems abit messed up.. Easily fixable though, I might even try to fix it myself, but either way looking to sell this..



    Ibanez RG570 Neck, Square-heel Rosewood fretboard Dots, 24 frets in good condition.. Headstock painted Dark-blue (factory) Ibanez Tuners (factory) NO LOCKING NUT!


    Ibanez RG350DX Neck, AANJ Rosewood fretboard Sharktooth, 24 frets in good condition, Headstock painted white (factory) Ibanez tuners (factory) Custom Blue pearl TRC, Locking nut included..



    Jackson Replica Neck, 24 Frets, Square heel Rosewood fretboard, MOP Sharkfins, Good condition, Headstock painted in Crackle black with no Decal, custom Tribal sun TRC, Jackson stock tuners, Normal slot-nut


    Ibanez RG570 Body, Dark Blue, Fits Edge(not included) comes with Random Dimarzio stock ibanezs (similar to new7s, but in 6string) in white.. Jack, pots, etc.. Everything except neck/edge basically..




    Ibanez RG350 Body, White with White pickguard (custom blue pearl for sale also below) Fits lo-trs trem.. In good condition, few chips like normal Ibbys.. I have detailed pics if interested.. Fits AANJ



    Custom Blue Pearl RG pickgaurd.. Made by Terrapin Guitars.. No promise it will fit on your guitar, it was abit off on the RG350, but it will fit decently. Still has plastic protector on it for the most part, with two Q-Part Blue pearl knobs..


    Jackson Kelly project body. Crappy paintjob on it, of like attempted crackle black.. Neck cavity has been filled, along with swictch/vol pot.. But they can be tooken out easily, it was wood filler.. Good for a project guitar though, I will include all the parts except neck+pickups.. including 2 knobs/switch..



    Jackson Tremolo, Lo Pro, Only have the trem, no posts/etc.. Good replacement for cheap floyds..


    Ibanez Lo-TRS II Tremolo, Lo Pro, comes with studs, claw, etc (no nut).. Pretty good condition



    Dimarzio Clip-lok strap.. Not a fan of them, Black.. Comes with all parts im pretty sure.


    Jackson stock pickups.. Dunno why, but my dad cut the leads like totally off.. Seling for really cheap, like $20 US Shipped for both??


    Dimarzio X2N in Blue.. Basically brand new, installed in one guitar, Tons of lead left..


    Dimarzio Single coil HS-2 DP116 .. good pickup.. Pink bobin topper, but can be replaced simple..



    Ibanez Bridge and Neck stock pickups.. Came out of my SZ520, Pretty good Les paul-style pickups.. Will sell cheap, seperate or together..



    Peavey Backstage 110 Practice amp.. Old thing, but works pretty good.. Jack might need to be replaced (not for static/faulty, but its kinda loose, cords slip out easily when even slightly tugged)



    MAPLE FRETBOARD, ROUTED FOR VAI VINE INLAY! Cut out by a CNC machine, Maple routed fretboard for Vai Vine, inlay is Blue plastic, cut ready for glueing.. Was going to use for a project but came up with different inlay idea. Only pic I have here, but ask for more if wanted..


    I have afew guitar cases I think I am getting rid of.. Mostly just your average Strat/RG shaped ones.. Don't think they will fit anything else, except one but I am keeping it for now unless I get a good price (its a Fernades Rhoads copy case, Will fit a Kelly though, maybe even a King V)

    PM me for details, I have like 6 I wanna sell.. Including the huge plastic Ibanez molded ones for RGs..

    Im sure theres more stuff I want to sell somewhere.. But this is all I can think of right now.. Any questions, feel free to ask.. I am open to prices

  9. I'm quite positive Doeringer is a member of these forums (you're the same person, right?).

    I thought so too, but just double checking to make sure..

    Also, just wondering if Im ready to be building my own guitar.. Maybe a $250-300 (if he can do my options I would like) neckthru blank isnt the best place to start with a first build, but then again Thats the only guitar I really plan on making myself, so O_O

    Hoping to find any local luthiers who might be able to assist me so I dont mess up

  10. One thing I noticed that would bug me, dunno if you and your friend like it or not.. but the bottom "v" section of the back.. like under the bridge, I think that would look much better rounded off, instead of so straight edged. Thats my opinion though.

    Im hoping to get something like that made in the future (maybe by Metal Matt ;o ) but without the Moser cut-ins, and it will be 7 string most likely lol

  11. Check out this thread. Lots of help there.

    People are referring to my work? Y'all are in trouble now - that was just beginner's luck (with some help). :D

    Mine is tortoise shell and it is a different look than the violin amber.

    PRS calls that "double-stained violin amber" but that pic doesn't look much like their normal violin amber. According to Rodney there is no sand back on violin amber, just several applications of diluted brown + red (IIRC) scrubbed back with alcohol, then yellow, scrub out, then several more topcoats of yellow (again, IIRC). Although that Private Stock #1 has an "old overcoat" which I'm guessing is a toner added to the clearcoat. Might explain why it's darker looking.


    Your thread was very detailed and helpful, I might even attempt my own build now, The main thing I was worried about was the finish.. but it kinda looks possible after seeing that hehe

  12. Well.. think I found a neck and bridge and stuff for a guitar I want.. but no body (i didnt wanna use the body anyways)

    I have like no tools.. but saw a router for $50 or so at some hardware store here.. If I bought that, would that be enough to make a body? No bevels/carving, just a body shape, then inside routed... Would using just a router and some sandpaper, would that work??

    Might give it a try... Probably will mess it up, but what can ya do..

  13. hehe wow its still 11F?

    Here in New Brunswick, we're right next to the coast, so sometimes it gets to be like -40 C... So cold cars sometimes wont run because the gas freezes, and if your skin is exposed for more then like 10 minutes your basically screwed lol.. Those are never fun days =[[ only happens like once or twice a year, but still pretty crazy, considering we're not much more than afew hours from Maine lol..

    Anyways, Back on topic! lol

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