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Posts posted by SIMpleONe89

  1. 2 hours ago, Prostheta said:

    Ultimately, it's the results that have the final word. Experimenting and finding your feel for such things is something you just can't do enough work with. Looking forward to when I can do so again....that and having a workbench stained all manner of crappy colours!

    I actually spilled my jar of brown stain when I was working on the neck, onto my makeshift MDF work bench. Then I didn't care about spilling any more and moments later that piece of MDF is looking rather colourful.  

  2. Thanks Carl. I'm trying to suppress the inner perfectionist in me that has caused me grief and anger issues many times in the past haha. Now I've learned to close one eye and live with imperfections. Those are my favourite tones as well! Glad you like it!

  3. 11 minutes ago, 2.5itim said:

    I have a spray setup and I still get orange peel, I also can't get a dust free environment with my setup so an hour after each coat I lightly sand with 600 grit to knock it down. 

    As for the orange peel I've had pretty good luck with being able to get rid of it all after all my coats have been sprayed and the finish cured. It takes me a lot of wet sanding but I get rid of it eventually.

    nice work man, it's coming along nicely!

    Yup so I have to make sure I put on a good amount of clear before wet sanding! Sanding through would be a disaster!

  4. First coat of clear

    Third coat of clear on the body. Notice the disgusting orange peel. I'll try level it out more and probably wet sand after a few more coats. I'm using rattle cans so this is expected.

    Although the horns aren't as dark as I would like them to be, I'm quite happy with it so far. And it's impossible to have a dust free finish so I'll have to keep checking for dust nibs and lightly sand them off. I've also come to accept the fact that I can't get a 100% perfect finish with my setup but I've achieved some pretty impressive rattle can jobs in the past. 

  5. Finally gotten down to dyeing the body. I first sprayed 2 coats of lacquer to seal the faux binding, then grain filled, then sprayed another 2 sealer coats over the faux binding. I'm not sure if the first 2 sealer coats were necessary in hindsight because when sanding off the timbermate grain filler I took off a bit of the sealer. But then again I didn't want the faux binding to be stained by the grain filler so I didn't take any chances. Sealing the faux binding, however, was necessary to prevent any dye from colouring it.

    I decided to pop the amazing figure with some brown dye. 

    Then sanded back till my arms and thumbs were sore.

    And also dyed the mahogany brown.

    Then I put some yellow over the top and did a brown burst. I filmed the entire process and I'll post the video once it's done. However the top horns didn't receive the dye as well as the others so I couldn't get it very dark. I ended up sanding back the whole thing the next day after drying and tried again.

    Picture without flash:

    With flash:


    To do the faux binding, I sanded and scraped the edges to get it round over. The sealer coats helped prevent any dye from getting on to it.

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