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Posts posted by smileynumber13

  1. All right, digging up old posts! Over a year later, I am finally working on this project again.

    Here's the low down: After I started sanding, I got really excited because the grain underneath the paint was pretty nice. I noticed it wasn't the same on the arm curve, but I thought nothing of it and kept going. As I got through the paint, I saw some discoloration along the edge. Thinking this was some clear underneath coat I missed, I sanded it more, only to find it growing bigger. This is when I realized there was a veneer on the guitar.

    Needless to say, the wood underneath was awful.. I think it was four different pieces of wood and the piece visible right near the pickguard (close to where I had wanted my flower) had a huge and gap-filled knot.

    I got really disgusted after this and so I started thinking up ideas on how to finish it again. I finally settled on some AWESOME flip-flop paint, but my not so smart self went waaayy to fast, didn't seal the wood right, etc. So while the paint looks amazing, the grain was showing and all that lovely stuff. (Though I will say, the headstock turned out quite nice looking.)

    I put it together for a while and goofed off with it/let my brother play it. But I got really tired of looking at the awful paint job I did, so I took it apart again. It's been a few months, but I finally decided on a finish again.

    So as we speak, there is a piece of material drying on top of the body. I was so sick of it that I wanted something comical and bought this black material with rainbow smiley faces. It's amusing all right. I am only going to do the front and my brother (who the guitar is going to) has requested a pink smiley face on the headstock to add to the comedy.

    Anyway, that's the low down. I'm a year older and wiser and have more appropriate materials this time around. I will get pictures as it progresses, just so you can get some laughs!

  2. Is there anyone in PA (southeast, towards Reading/Philly) on this site that could do a refret job? Or do you know of anyone? I got a 1970(ish) Telecaster copy for free. Not too long ago. It sounds really nice, and plays really nice. The pickups and electronics sound great for the age.

    I don't want to just get a new neck, in fact I'm not sure if I can.. it's not a typical Tele neck, the headstock is tilted back, and the size of everything is a little weird compared to my real Tele.

    The issue is that the frets are so worn down some of them are flat in places. I can play the same note on the high E on the 12th, 11th, and almost the 10th fret, before it changes. Also, is it possible to do without removing the neck? I don't mind removing it, it's just that I unscrewed it, and it still wouldn't come out. I think it's glued in. Any insight is appreciated.

    Thank you!

  3. Alright well I finally got a pic for you... was having technical problems with the camera... anyway this is what I was talking about...


    All that yellowish white stuff along the side of the fretboard is basically bubbled up or peeling. It looks the same on the other side of the fretboard except the previous owner didn't pick at it.

    I thought of a new hypothesis, because it appears that the fretboard is stained... is it possible for the clear to have an adverse reaction to the stain? Because this problem ends dead along the fingerboard, except those areas were the previous owner pulled on the peeling clear and it chipped off the black.

    Any suggestions on what could have happened here?

    Here's the guitar... I took the pics while I was at work.


    Pretty good for $70 I'd like to think...

  4. Hahahahahaha I want a guitar called Uranus. Or Snail... :D

    No but really they don't look to bad. I like the "Warrior 5" in transparent green... (I'm a sucker for green + LP shape..)

    I just picked up what I'm pretty sure is a cheap Asian LP copy... (Aria Guitars) ... cheaper than these... and honestly, I was pretty suprised that it sounded and played how it did. So you wouldn't be too bad off, it's a pretty nice guitar, and used I paid $70. Unfortunately though, something's wrong with the finish along the fretboard. Hence, why I got it to begin with (experiment time!)

    Again just play a bunch. You'll find one.

  5. I have never owned a guitar without a trem (well excepting the acoustic of course). At any rate, I picked up an Aria PE Studio for like 70 bucks so that I could experiment with it, and since it's an LP copy basically, it has a stop tail hardtail I don't know the correct term. I have no clue how to maintain/set up the bridge. How high should it be from the body of the guitar? Sorry if this sounds like a noob question, it sort of is, considering both my Ibanez's have trems. Anyway if someone could help, it'd be appreciated. Thanks!

  6. I currently own a Cort acoustic, and it's a really nice guitar (excepting the fact that there aren't really electronics to control output tone etc). Anyway, I was wondering everyone's opinion on their electric models, because I have had no experiene with them. If anyone has, please let me know what you think.

  7. Yea... if the grain went all one way it would look really neat, but it just looks really.... off for a guitar body... I'll post pics as soon as I get them... it still might be worth a try...

    So yea, I'm thinking of some nice colors now, though I still might see about the flower, depending on what color I make it. I'm thinking burnt orange metallic, cause if I can't stain it then it's going to be a sick color.

  8. Ok well, it's been awhile and I apologize. School was nutso, and it was too cold to be outside a lot of the winter. At any rate... I have gotten very disgruntled with this project.

    I sanded down to bare wood on both sides of the body, and was feelin very accomplished with myself. I noticed around the edges of the horns there was still a little discoloration on the front, and I not thinking, assumed it was leftover clear that I missed. So I sanded it more, and it got bigger. I realized, hey, there's a veneer on this wood. Naturally, that's enough to stop me from being able to stain the front right there. That's when I realized why the grain was different on the contours. So I sanded down to the real wood and was sadly dissapointed. This body is made up of approximately 5 pieces of wood, all of which have a noticable join line in between them, and different grain patterns. There's also a large knot on one of the pieces, that has gaps in it that I now have to fill. :D

    This is just the front, I didn't do the back like this because I don't want to see it.

    So I guess you live and you learn, eh? Either way, I am frustrated, so I spoke with a friend of mine about painting and he's going to do it up for me. (He's done his own guitar and works as a painter at a car shop). So just as an update, the guitar will end up being a solid color again, and Ibanez GRX's have a veneer. The end. Hehe. :D

    Anyway I'll post pics when I get it done regardless.

  9. I just layed away a pretty cheap guitar at the pawn shop, because I wanted something cheap to experiment on etc. I noticed that despite the guitar being in pretty good condition, the finish right up against the fretboard is chipping. It's whiteish on top in a lot of places agthat are directly over the frets, and has actually chipped off for about an inch or two along the 7th or 9th fret markers. It's on both sides of the fretboard, not just the side with the dots.. do any of you guys know what might have caused this? I am thinking someone tried to do soemthing with the frets and ruined the finish but I'm not sure. I will get pictures as soon as I pay it off, but from this info, does anyone have any ideas?

  10. Well, I haven't done very much except sand, and even then not so much.. mostly because 1. I have been incredibly busy with school and work, and 2. It's winter and cold, or was. Now that it's getting warmer I'm getting back into the project. I would have done a mock up by now but my computer's not in working order (ie. the charger doesn't work and the pin on it is stuck in the computer, thank God for warranties) So while at school for a midterm, I made a mock up just for the heck of it. I know the curves under the neck aren't perfect, forgive me, they don't look like that and won't on the guitar.


    Hopefully it shows up more reddish than brownish. All depends on the monitor. Anyway, that's the plan, ignore the black around the edges, that's just the line art I made. (Though, it would look mighty nice) Eh, just for good measure, here's the line art...


    If anyone needs this done for a guitar let me know. Take care!

  11. Well I was on a search for wierd and strange guitars because the one I am planning out for the future isn't quite standard... anyway I came across this in the search.


    I found it on someone's blog, and I'm not sure where it came from, but it seems that the speaker is under the strings. Excepting the fact that it is plastic... I thought you would be interested in seeing it and it's interesting twists. Maybe you can find out what it is and get some more research for your project, who knows. Enough of my rambling, good luck!

    (P.S. Try searching "strange guitar" on google images sometime. You come across some interesting things.. like the "Wangcaster" :D )

    P.P.S. In my searches I have found another strange brand but one with a speaker in it.


  12. apology accepted :D . Yes it is, but it does come up from time to time.

    Lol, thanks :D Like I said I know pretty much nothing about electronics except what I have read so far.. but thanks for enlightening me. B) Take care!

  13. Well I am not very good at wiring (hence reading this forum a lot) and I was wondering if you need the battery in this setup, or if the power running from the jack would be enough? My apologies if this is dumb, I'm pretty unfamiliar with what currents go through the guitar from the amp, etc. So... just curious.. : )

  14. I wonder if you can use this weird trend of LEDs fret markers (the side dots using leds) as a tuner.

    wiring it should be really easy.

    THAT could be cool :D

    I remember reading somewhere that someone was thinking of that but I don't think they ever did it.. It was in one of the LED vs fiber optics ones ...

    I know that Ovation uses onboards, as well as Ibanez... I wonder if there would be a way to get just that part.. the part with the mixer/tuner on top of the acoustic electric...

    Wierd stuff. :D

  15. Hey, thanks. I figured that it wasn't the wisest thing to do, it just sounds like it could be fun to experiment with. And as for the lost tone, you're right. I didn't think about it that way... At any rate, I appreciate the feedback, thanks!

  16. I've seen it done mostly on acoustic electrics...

    Does anyone know how to install a tuner into the actual guitar? Like... say I would dissasemble an LED tuner (yes, I realize they aren't the most accurate), trying to keep most of the wiring intact, and try to install it into the guitar body. I'm almost certain it could work, the only problem being you would need to route and drill more holes in the guitar which means loss of tone. Also, would you be able to or even need to run wire from the tuner input to the pickups?

    If none of this would work, where could I purchase the neccessary equipment to install one into the guitar, preferably an electric?

    I'm new to all of this, but for the past month, all I have done is read and read and this is something I haven't come across much. It's something I have been curious about trying... but again something I know very little about.

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