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Tim D

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Posts posted by Tim D

  1. i sertainly am and here is a photo to prove it


    ive still got some finishing off to do around the sides e.g paint and also varnish but its getting there.Notice how the design looks slightly different to my original plan.The flowers were slightly smaller than i predicted but just as cool. :D

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  2. hi im new to this forum got alot of tips from diffrent articals and think its excellent.

    ive just started a project refinishing a bass guitar that has been gathering dust for a few years.Being my first project i thought i would serch the web to find some advice and i stumbled across this site. i read the tutorial on material finishes and thought that was a great idea.so decided i would look for some materials on the web the first place i looked was ebay as i use the site alot.and their i found many different materials in all different colours a designs.

    I decided on a few different designs that i liked but obviously could only have one.If only their was a way of seeing the finished results before actually doing any work, that could help me decide which material to buy.

    Any how i had this idea.I saved a picture of a guitar from the web and then saved pictures of the materials ,using Adobe photoshop i opened the picture of the guitar and removed the paint colour from the body and head stock so wher the paint was it is now transparent,now using the material photo i placed that underneath the body area and did the same to the neck area. cheak out the picture.


    i will keep you posted on the progress.so you can see how it turns out.Let me know what you think etc.ps hope the picture works

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