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Posts posted by custom22

  1. I would ask people who have just tried both plain Carvin and Warmoth necks. I have heard good things about both. With Warmoth, you can know for sure what the profile will be like, so you may wanna ask how similar a Carvin neck is to a strat. I would probably go with carvin, because I'd rather have a neck thru guitar. If the profile isnt perfect, you can spend a little time with sand paper on it.

    Keep in mind that I have tried neither.

  2. For the truss rod slot I used a table saw, and I plan on doing the drill and chisel tequnique for the pickups and controls since they will have a cover.

    This is sort of my second and a half guitar. THe body style was originally going to be modeled after one that Jeff Miller made, but is for some reason no longer on his site. However it doesnt look much like it. It is a 24 fret, with total access, so the neck will look a little long. It isnt quite a carved top, and i do not intend it to be, but it isnt quite flat. Its sort of a round top i guess.

    I already have a PRS custom 22, so theres no need to copy that :D

  3. I have recently started my neckthru project, and should have some more pics up soon. It is maple and swamp ash, and I am building it without a router or bandsaw, so it should prove interesting. I plan on filling the grain black, with a transparent blueburst like on Guitarfrenzy's site. I would appreciate any constructive criticism, comments, wisecracks...


  4. As for the sustain thing, i never thought much of it til i got my PRS Custom 22. You dont need a big distorted amp feedin back at you to hold one of those high notes, ringing just as clear as any other note. I dont hold a note for 30 seconds, but for the couple seconds that I do on a well sustaining guitar, it is much better than having feedback as your soul source. Just my take on it. As for string through vs tailpiece, its not like it will make much difference. I have found that sustain mainly comes from highly accurate neck setup and fretting, along with strong neck joints. Just my opinions of course.

  5. I would say that glue is plenty for something that small. You have plenty of surface area, as a strat is about 1.5 inches wide. If you are really worried add a few dowells in, and do some sort of a burst (or solid color) to hide it. It should be fine as long as the edges were flat when you glued it.

  6. I asked this on a different forum, and a very knowledgeble person experimented with this and found a difference. Not that one is better, but some prefer the set neck. One advantage is being able to shave the neck heel down for access, but some luthiers have said that this heel is what contribute to the tone of a bolt on-not the actual bolts. I would give you a link to the thread, but much of the forum was wiped out.

    I am not certain of any of this. I prefer set necks, but i am only representing someone elses experiences and theories.

  7. I am 15, and I made my first guitar at 14. I have a garage with a cheap table saw, belt sander, orbital sander, and a jig saw, mostly my dad's. I bought a welder in seventh grade when I built a hovercraft and a motorbike, so I guess i have been building stuff all my life, and I buy many of the smaller tools i need. I am fortunate to have some of the tools required, but I am considering becoming a temporary member at the local Woodcrafter shop for band saws, routers, joiners, drillpresses, etc, unless my friend lets me use his shop. Theres so much nice equipment at my school, but its controlled by a bunch of rich, snobby parents, so they are afraid to let us use any. If you have a wood shop near you, you may want to consider planning carefully which special tools you need for certain things, and do alot of the grunt work (like sanding) at home.

  8. Suppose I am doing a guitar with two humbuckers, and the driver in the middle. Normally does one attatch the output of the bridge pickup to the input of the sustainer's amplifier? Am I correct in saying this?

    If so

    Could I attach the outputs of each pickupto the input of the sustainer amp?

  9. I doubt it will alter the tone persay, but you will lose an amount of intunation with the addition of one, and IMHO an amount sustain is lost, which can be varied amounts. I cannot stand bending one string and having the strings next to it go out of tune, which is why I prefer solid bridges.

    However, I do enjoy dive and such at other times.

    So as for the tone part, i doubt that it will.

  10. I think that some beltbuckle dings would be worthwhile. Just let them occur semi naturally. I think what it is really missing is cracks. I do not know if you get get checking with acrylic, but nitro doesnt take that long to cure if its only a few top coats. I've heard of people using razor blades as well as compressed gas, but have never actually done it. Just keep darkening up the wood on those bigger ones, and make them a little irregular, with a little wear to the fretboard.

    I love that artwork, and if it were me, I could never relic that thing.

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