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Posts posted by Darkside

  1. or would its heads just dangle until it eventually rotted off

    I imagine they don't get along knowing that if one head even fell asleep, the other would probably bite off the other and eat it. It's know wonder they always look so angry with that cronic indigestion too! I guess having the ability to grow back it's own head like a lizard it's tail helps...

    BTW...i'm interested to know how it will be finished, something flame proof I trust...will we be seeing some butane torches in the cavities with audio sensor flame triggers?


    Your are right about its head growing back...and there are two brains... fuctioning as one...they only snap at each other ,because of the brains trying to cordinate between the two...

    I'm thinking black for the finish (I like the Darkness) but natural would be nice too?, With a clear coat? What ya think...Sir Pete? I do like the Audio Flame Trigger idea...Although the way the dragons will be facing...ya might end up with a fried finger or two?lol ...How about something coming from the hidden chamber expelled out the bottom as to when its sideways ya can burn a band member....(oops...sorry dude I didn't mean to burn ya!) I'd probally be saying that alot? ..I do have alot carved already...but... a whole lot more to go...Have any Idea on the pickups and bridge? I really want something to express it, tone wise...Got to be in chrome look as well...even though they are gold looking in tha picture...


  2. if a dragon has two heads do they get along? like if they got in battles what if one killed the other, would that side of the body go limp and the other have to drag it along, or would its heads just dangle until it eventually rotted off, why do i think aout these things?

    PS anxious for pics!!!

    Well...Hmmm ...You must have a Darkside! But they do get along ...cause they are controlled by one brain...Much harder to battle a two headed dragon than with only one head...Kinda hard to sneak upon it

    - Darkside

    P.S. maybe by next weekend can post some pics

  3. The two headed dragon from the Darkside

    ….As the Darkness drifts silently away into the morning light…I begin to labor more and more on the carvings, known to be a siren of an instrument. Yes, it is said… while playing this instrument of dragon lure, It would bring the two headed dragon within range of using the “Sword of Darkness” …Thrusting it downward between the necks …There would be great super sounds from the dragon, that one would of never imagine or ever have a chance to hear….So, as the time grows near…I’ll pick up my carving tools and whittle away…knowing the meeting of the two headed dragon will be here.. soon - The Darkside

    P.S. Will post pics soon...


  4. i've just bought a strat body and neck, and i want to relic it pretty heavily, almost to the point of rory gallagher's strat, but a little less extreme

    what could i do to make the body look really battered like that? Sandpaper would give a too perfect finish, and i've tried using a screwdriver and it just didnt work, any suggestions?

    Play the heck out of the guitar for a long, long time ...LoL

    Ok ...Here's my sugestion..If the strat you bought is painted now...and you want to relic that paint job...Then you might want to mask off the areas that you normally don't touch or rub with any of your body or hands, during handling or playing...then rub the areas that you do touch with a rag soaked with stripper (and use gloves to protect ya hands)....and little by little the paint will wear away down to the wood...for area's that require more abuse use a hammer corner for a few dings...but never the flat part of the hammer head , turn the hammer head sideways as to hit it ....as for the head stock I would put dabs of paint stripper on dings made from the hammer....For a really cool looking affect is to detune the strings so as to lay flat against the body and then rub stripper rag over the strings and body at the same time ..to leave an empression as to have been played ..."But" ....LOL ...I would not suggest dragging it down the road or any abuse that might harm the Strat... - Darkside

  5. Nice cars. I think you need a bigger aquarium though! Jeesh, how many gallons is that thing? I looks very nice.

    What ya think of the Batman Guitar?.....6044 gallons

    Sorry, I got distracted by the Sea World exhibit in you living room :D . It think the batman guitar looks pretty cool. I'm really excited to see your carving work on the dragons as well.

    My Goodness...no one commented on Dr No's nor Dr Evil much larger piranna, crocodile and shark setups or Bruce Waynes bats in the basements...i'd epect to see nothing less than 5000 gallons in the lair of someone who'd dare to be known as "Darkside"... I do tend to find that you need an enormous filtration system to clear the water of bits of wet suits and flippers, and big ugly sea slugs to maintain the glass so you can get such a clear view of the action...remarkable. Nice carving on it though, yours? So many evil genius's send outsource their work there days! :D


    You are quite right! I use a swimming pool filter that I converted.......I built the tank on the outside of my castle ...just the 1 1/2" plex is what is seen from the living room...yes, I also did the wood work in there...I will add some more of my castle pics on my site...I will be working on the dragon guitar this weekend...hopefully I will be able to post a pic or two...

  6. Nice work...I was just wondering...I didn't see any adjustable truss rod or any square type tubing for a non adjustable neck? THere are alot of vintage guitars that don't have rods ....and now have warped necks or twisted.....

    From Stew Mac.....

    "If you choose not to use an adjustable truss rod, then some type of neck reinforcement or non-adjustable truss rod (square steel tube, carbon fiber, laminated ebony, etc.) is recommended to help keep the neck as straight and rigid as possible. Changes in climate as well as time will take their toll on the neck, but a non-adjustable reinforcement will help maintain the neck's straightness. Necks without adjustable truss rods will also benefit from quartersawn wood for its added rigidity."

    If your not going to to put any reinforement...always detune the strings after playing...

    Other than that ...is a great guitar and a nice job -Darkside

  7. Back to the headstock. I personally think that it should be a 6 in line headstock. Something a bit longer and pointy with a dragon's tail motif in mind. Nothing too outrageous, just something that makes you forget its the headstock of a guitar.

    Actually... I played around with that thought ...The ole pointed tale...but...I'm not to the head yet ...but I do like the idea of rubies in the eyes of the dragons (PSW Idea) ....I put real diamonds..In the carved dragon shift knob in my T-bucket car and it looked awesome...I was thinking of jewels for the tuners..if yo look closely thats the sword of darkness headstock... I know I have my work cut out for me with this headstock...Thanks -Darkside

  8. looks like a richenbacker....FROM HELL!!!! (or gotham city in this case)

    Gotham city... :D

    Guitar is kind of hard to see in picture but looks awesome B)

    looks like a richenbacker....FROM HELL!!!! (or gotham city in this case)

    ^ rickenbacker? B) ^

    Sorry about the pic, camera from the Darkside

    I like the guitar!

    But to the point, what's with the giant DVD logo hanging on your wall?

    Thanks...He sure liked it....The dvd logo hanging on the wall is his place....not mine....I live in a castle on the Darkside, Most of the time I hang out in the dungeon... B)

    Fab to see a guitar actually being played on this site...i do think it had to be black but the yellow flashes are great...see if you can outdo it with the double dragon sword guitar you got going now...very special... pete

    Hey, as a side project perhaps it needs a suitable bat case...Zap, Pow, Bam!!!

    Sir Pete....Yeah I do have my hands full with the dragon guitar, hopefully it will out do the batman...I have already started carving...no pics to post yet though...so far so good...The dragon guitar will have a custom case though...you know the red crush velvet interior.....Stay cool-Darkside

    the guitar looks alrite to me but i rekon it should have been shaped like the actual batman logo.

    Too Late now...anyways....I think it would have looked more like a oval banjo? Has't to be from the Darkside. We always say things like that though...usally after the projects done....you know..." Awe... I should have done this" Stay cool -Darkside

    Here's a slightly better view but still not good, gives a better view of the body.


    Dude makes some pretty sick cars too! :D

    Yep, not only do I make a few guitars...I made a few cars as well...If you want to see all my pictures of my guitar projects and cars I made you can go here


    I noticed that as well. And the DVD menu is on thw screen. You know that soon it will say something llike HD-DVD or BLu-ray...

    You guy's are funny...LoL :D I wonder if I was able to post a totally naked girl with only a hat and a feather if ya'll would ask: What kind of bird did that feather come off of? LoL... -Darkside

  9. Not sure as to what I am looking at in the pictures but, what I do to fix a chipped or major dent in wood: I take the saw dust from the same wood and mix it with a glue until its like putty and fabricate it to replace whats missing, I over fill or fabricate as to sand it after drying. Note: if you are staining try to add the anticipated stain color to the saw dust...for the glue usally doesn't take stain well -Darkside

  10. Looking good ....But ...Aye Aye! Here's to your learning experience. its those mistakes that makes those experienced builder's....Oh...a planner, a router, bits and blades, sand paper, you know all that stuff that adds up to more than ya can afford....making that guitar cheaper to build? I think you will find its more the satisfaction of building an instrument of your creation...the accomplishment! as well as hanging on to those tools for the next project....stay cool -darkside

  11. Well, I talked this over with my player guru and here's what I think a the moment.

    Master volume knob isolated for easy access.

    Two tones with push-pull switches for coil tapping.

    A three way, somewhere.


    Be Cool,

    d ward

    Looks great !! I like to see constructive planning...My question is: Well you gon'na make it or what? LoL ...Just joking there...looking forward to seeing your progress.... -Darkside

  12. I spent 3 hours sanding the body this morning, correcting all of the past mistakes as well. I'm going to spray the touch-ups on the front first, then level it down. Then spray the back, and level it down. I sprayed the front today and this bass is looking great. I'm quite positive I will be spraying the clear on wednesday or sunday this week.

    I'm not sure if you can bring your own guitars to the guitar show in Dallas next month. But if so, I'll have it with me when I go to visit a few friends.

    My how the time flies when ya sanding.....Good to hear that its coming along well...What kind guitar show are they having in Dallas...and when? I'm only 4 hours away


  13. Interestingly, those attachments have no effect upon my playing style...lol

    Hmmm....those dragons look like they are going to carve themselves...good stuff

    How thick is that body blank, although it's large, it doesn't look as if it will be that heavy once all that carving is done....

    If you start worrying about comfort while sitting down, inevitably you will lean towards such things as drink holders and remote control onboard LCD screens...mine is even wireless you'll note! (my next will be stringless resulting in a truely silent, and ultimate ergonomic instrument)...

    Although, dressed in a suit of armour this is unlikely to be of concern, but should it be I note darkside has his own line of guitar straps...already in production is a dragon strap with free pick holder and pick especially made for the import version of this guitar it would seem...

    Darkside Dragon Guitar Strap

    Carry on...it's good to see the thing morphing into reality, or is reality morphing around it...you certainly are working fast... pete

    btw...in order to create my infinitely sustaining guitar I had to make some extreme non-sustaining instruments such as these to counterbalance the reality effect. Using the same effect, such instruments like mine that cost nothing to make, allows for such instruments like yours of unestimately high value to be created. PRS effectively traded therefore directly upon the decline in quality at Gibson...now the Les Paul is improving, we are seeing a lessening in PRS...it's all ying and yang and balancing the dragons

    Sir Pete...super-natural...you for seen my thoughts...The body is 2" thick and is really heavy.... But as you can see I will have alot of wittling to do, 2" is really thick...but in those area's that are higher...I need that extra thickness...this wood was straight from the ole mill, from the darkside of the castle....still had the rough cut...none planed...Hmmm...I did hold it sideways to kinda get that feel...and it didn't feel comfortable at all....But, it is not carved yet and alot will come off, espeacially where my arm goes over it...as for the heaviness ...remember the document chamber...I was concerned about the size...but there again certain gretches have large bodies also...And therefore, Sir Pete you are right! If I start concerning myself with these matters I will be grabbing for the remote...Cool strap....Must find a better one though, that one doesn't do it...maybe heavy black leather with dragons and holders for Dragon slaying weapontry....Note ...I do like that little guitar...just the way you sent it to me...and it is inspiring to see...although...there is more work in that little guitar than most realize... A laborer is one who works with his hands, A craftman is someone who works with his hands and mind, And Sir Pete...An Artist is someone who works with his hands, mind and heart! That lil guitar is a peice of art....Well its off to the ole dungeon to chip away some more.....- Darkside

  14. Actually...you are right! it is a prize...along with all the other builders that post their guitars..those are their prizes...yep! The bottom is kind of bulky? have suggestions?....Yes...there will be alot of details and I might liminate a few horns..And you are right! Not just anyone can jump on it and play it...but ..I have other guitars for that....As for pratical...No! its not going to be user friendly sort of speak, and as we have already figured out ya gonna have to stand to play it....But it will be an actual playing instrument....I'm not an expert on psychology either...Would like to hear your input on how maybe to take some of the bulk away...


    Well, you seem be Fully aware. Then it's good.

    For the body, as you mentioned, it will be up-right (am I right?) like.. a cello or double-bass..

    So I was thinking why not add a stand or some kind of extension under it so you can play it standing up other than.. maybe squatting down. Just so you can add a little more plability factor into it.

    As skills go, I think it won't be a problem, hearing about what you did with the Ford :D

    Also, if it's gonna be up-right, why stick to the regular 2-D boring guitar shape?

    My suggestion would be.. make the dragons kind of swirl around the neck pocket? Of course, you would need some gap to let your hand plag through the high frets. And also the wings could kinda spread out? So you can kinda get the 3-D effect.

    I think that would be cool. (And also add a little monetary value too.. :D and of course sentimental value too.)

    Trully a 1 of a kind guitar. And I mean trully a ONE OF A KIND B)


    LOL...Hmm...don't think I want to play it like a cello...what I meant was it is not going to be a guitar you play in a sitting position..because it would not be very comfortable...So...I'll have to stand...I think when I am finished it won't be the boring 2d guitar...but, more of an eye wonder...cause there will be so much details in the carving . Hmm..I see everything in 3-D in life unless its drawn...Right? I placed the dragon heads where as leaving enough room for the playing of high frets without having bloody knuckles...well its off to the dungeon...post pics soon...thanks -Darkside

    I'm back to post a start picture


    Just checking to see if everything is going alright


  15. Hey, I Looked back on the forum past... Do ya still have that traffic jam cheap made lil guitar made from things from the floor...Hey your great with shoe polish as well as finding something to do with those busted strings....I did notice it was black...yeah! the Darkside...Anyway I enjoyed looking at it...at least it good to know...if ya get trapped in the dungeon you can always depend on ya skills to fabricate an instrument from those buckles, chains and straps... -Darkside

    Not with me (my ex has recently cast a curse upon my soul and it drifts aimlessly at present)...yes I am but a spirit from future past, that is I am from err, now...and shoe polish is the recomended finish for MDF (it brings out the grain), but i need not advise an artificer such as yourself on matter such as these...but lo, let us leave these troubled times, though it be winter there and 2am in the morning, it be 6pm Sunday evening here and the day is done, 36oC and tropical down in my dungeons, Merlin has done wonders with the time and climate shift and I have bathed today with the rich, semi-naked in the public baths, in this place that I have been cast...

    So, for tonight I am content to rattle these chains, and the buckles and straps could come in handy, should the mood take me squire, I thank you for your foresight is supplying them...I shall retire now to feast upon a toasted cheese sandwich and contemplate the fates...but beware ye, for I shall return to haunt your projects with further dark thoughts...for now I will leave you with the disturbing image you doth provoke...behold the horror of the MDF guitar...


    Mwaahahahahhahaaa, hic, errr Sir Sustain-a-lot, pete :D

    p.s. don't try this with northern MDF, only the MDF from Oz can bring out the "tone" required of such an instrument... You will have to suffice with Mahogany, for I intend to corcer the market on this tone wood!

    Ahem...Ya sure the ex has that lap guitar?...I liked it so well...That I made me a copy..but added a few few things from the darkside of the dungeon...this will come in very handy when I not working on the dragon guitar...relax and have myself a drink,watch a movie......Today I will be cutting the pattern from the mohogany block of wood will post pics soon -Darkside

    Oh! here's to ya!


  16. I appreciate the tips. I am still working on finalizing the paint, no laquer yet. The paint is a high gloss white, sort of looks like a finish in some areas, mainly due to a fresh touch up in those areas. I have a few questions. Why not a finer grit sandpaper for sanding inbetween coats on the laquer? I would be afraid it would leave lines and not bond correctly with the next coat (maybe leaving it uneven). But I have 0 experience with any of this, I'm learning a great deal as I go.

    22o grit is used to sand after priming the body ( the base coat for the nice stuff to come) once the body is primed maybe 2 to 3 coats if using a spray can ...I use a binks 2001 gun with the works ....but small things like a guitar body I have used the cans...don't worry if it seams like and uneven job on the priming...cause thats why you use a block sander for the flat areas ( to make the primer even without pits) and usally hand sand the round...when you spray the primer be sure to sand between coats......Once primed your ready for the paint? decide if you a enamel finish or Lacquer finish...Now your ready for your first coat of paint...If you want a high gloss finish where its like a mirrow...the kind you see on the baby grand piano then its Lacquer...or if you want it shiny like a mirror and want it enamel (like you can find on some metal door frames and doors,then go with enamel...) but what ever you decide to go with don't mix the two....Lacquer is harder than enamel....ok spray your first coat of paint...try to keep your project level and flat...start your spray and dont let off the knob until your past the item or edge...cause stoping at the edge will leave a build up of paint...practice before you spray on scrap...once you have your first coat on...let dry, sand it with 320 grit put about four coats really depends on how heavy you spray it with out runs..spray a second coat, 320 sand..until four coats are had...now after the last coat of paint sand it with 400 grit ...now its time for the clear ....same thing excempt you'll be using 400 grit paper the final coat of clear you will not sand..but change to rubbing compound and a buffer...for areas you can't reach with a buffer you will have to do it by hand.....and thats pretty much it! (Oh ...the reason for not sanding with anything finer than this is gotta give something for that next coat to hang on to) hope this is some what helpful - Darkside

    p.s. just noticed did you say it was high gloss white? must be enamel? did you spray it from a can? if so I would continue with the enamel and an enamel clear coat...

  17. Gwen told me when she gave me the key to the chastity belt that, by the way, will be able to unlock the guitars hidden chambers also...oh yes it will...mwhhaahahaaa... :D

    of course you knew that...


    Of course I knew that....lol :D Hey, I Looked back on the forum past... Do ya still have that traffic jam cheap made lil guitar made from things from the floor...Hey your great with shoe polish as well as finding something to do with those busted strings....I did notice it was black...yeah! the Darkside...Anyway I enjoyed looking at it...at least it good to know...if ya get trapped in the dungeon you can always depend on ya skills to fabricate an instrument from those buckles, chains and straps... -Darkside

  18. You inspired me in a dark way....Took me back to the medevil times...where I made through the secret passages down to the dark dungeon and with the response you gave...created the final closure on the dragon guitar...at least for the basic design...that "sword of darkness" runs throgh to the tale...Thanks so much for your creative response heres a picture from the "Darkside"

    p.s. Oh you like the guitar stand? and the rubies in the eyes...will do


    Hmmmm...super-natural...you anticipated my next suggestion...that shield, that is an enlargement of the protective back plate that easily allows access to the hidden hollowed chamber, control cavity, scroll of authenticity, ownership papers, quest documents, dragon vaxination certificates....good thinking...that should lighten the thing if need be. Of course the sword will help balance it if necessary anyway.

    Just be carefull where you place the volume and tone knobs...those dragons look like they wouldn't like their knobs tweaked too much, sword of no sword...(but then I'm sure Merlin would have warned you about that when he foresaw this post)...

    Nice stand too...and always good to see members dressing up...the black knight still on bass?

    Remember me to Gwen too... Sir Pete Sustain-a-lot

    Dear Sir Pete (Sustain-a-Lot)

    You must be a dragon Slayer? Hmmm...Slaying Dragons, you always have to anicipate the thier next move.. I did think about that... adding a chamber on the back and using the plate as a cover...You knew that before I just mentioned it here?...Therefore ...You must be a Dragon slayer...or would make a good one...As for me this is my second run with the dragons...I built a 1926 ford T-bucket with the theme Dragon Slayer (1st Place show car winner)...It also had the Sword of Darkness, Sword of Light..as the back bumper and a carved dragon for a shifter...yeah...I've been on the Darkside for awhile. That would be cool about those certificates in those that chambers...But? How did you know about those certificates? Coat of Arms Cert./Ownership/the vacs records and others? -Darkside

  19. Are you going to lay down another coat of paint to get rid of the inconsistencies? If you do(actually, even if you don't), this will be the finest looking squire bass I've ever seen. The white pickup covers are a nice touch. Is the thing getting a bridge pickup? It'd look kind of odd if you left that hole there.

    Most certainly on the paint. I will keep touching it up until it is perfect. The jbass pickup still isn't complete, one of the wires came loose and I scratched up a bit of paint fixing it. So it was off to the side. Check out the photoalbum, it was originally a single pickup bass, I routed it for 2 pickups. This baby is going to have so many different tonal capabilities.

    edit: Oh yeah, and the pickups don't have covers. I actually painted them and sanded the top VERY carefully to add that neat effect.

    just in case your still working on the paint job....Is that a lacquer?sprayed White? well if it is I have a few pointers you can have...once ...you get all the defects, blemishes out from sanding with 320 grit, respray it white, sand with 320 grit...Spray a coat of lacquer gloss (clear top coat) from Touch up solutions...(comes in a spray can if you don't have spray equipment)...spray on a coat of clear per day and no more than 3 coats per day and sand with 400 grit between each coat and soon after about 6 coats it will look like glass even without buffing...then set the guitar aside and let dry for a couple of days before handling....-Darkside

  20. Wow. The neck is perfect now. Stick with that style!

    Psw response with the idea of the sword worked for me...as well as the tuners being jewels you turn...Now thats the easy part....Now the next is building this in the dungeon work shop...Stay cool...thanks for the input -Darkside

  21. Hey Batman...you changed the pics without reposting...so I got no email to say it had been finished...very stealthy

    Great stuff with the yellow...terrific and it does look good in black...

    Ok...so now it's dragons...you must have a dark side, darkside...hehehe


    Not bad...i could see some inlaid scales here and there maybe, of abalone perhaps on the wings maybe...real ruby's in the eyes...how's the budget...

    But you know what I think it needs...Excaliber...

    How about a sword blade separating the two dragons the length of the neck through the bridge and pickups to the tail. Ok...so of course the headstock would be the hilt...I'm sure you could somehow incorporate the tuners in some kind of mock jewel encrusting type effect...maybe bind the headstock in leather...hmmm

    Or...perhaps that's a bit much...too much? I don't know, I see dragons I just want to swing a sword somehow...sure would look good hanging over the mantle of the old castle though...just a thought...you do live in a castle right, I mean "darkside" got to be at least a manor house of some sort, maybe some secret passages, pole down to a cave below...


    You inspired me in a dark way....Took me back to the medevil times...where I made through the secret passages down to the dark dungeon and with the response you gave...created the final closure on the dragon guitar...at least for the basic design...that "sword of darkness" runs throgh to the tale...Thanks so much for your creative response heres a picture from the "Darkside"

    p.s. Oh you like the guitar stand? and the rubies in the eyes...will do


  22. Maybe try a lighter body wood and a heavier neck wood and try to balance between the 2. But once again, this only matters if you'll be playing it frequently.

    I already have the hondurn Mahogany wood for the body...I like this wood cause it takes carvings easily..I guess I could chamber the body if I had too?.... especially if its a weight factor, as feeling unbalanced. I will be playing it mostly standing up, I'm sure...sure would hate to have a sore shoulder after a few minutes of playing...and I am afraid that's what will happen if I leave the body solid... Not sure on the neck? still working on a head stock design...something that matches a little better...I guess when I figure out what kind of head design it will have, I can figure out a balance

    thanks for ya input -Darkside

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