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Posts posted by mdw3332

  1. Anybody else have a chance to go to this? I went Saturday and walked around for 4 hours and didn't see everything. It was huge. There must have been 3 - 400 guitar manufacturers from Fender to Joe's guitars from North Podunk.

    I saw Dick Dale (and his son), Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and a bunch of really talented players. If you ever have the chance to go, don't miss it.

  2. One of the very first projects was a mahogany body. I didn't knew squat and screwed it up, stripped it and did it over about 5 times. Finally got it done with a beautiful lacquer.....and dropped it. I think that it is just part of the process - gotta sacrafice a couple before you get it right.

  3. www - Thanks for the link. I've used Micro Mesh for a while and like it a lot. I didn't know they made it in hook & loop. I just ordered the 5" kit. I have also used something called Abralom that works really well on an orbital sander. In fact, I think it was Drak who turned me onto that some time back.

    I'm new here and like the site a lot.


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