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Posts posted by liquid_gabe

  1. I felt exactly the same way before my (recently finished) first neck. It was so much fun, and came out so well, it was my favorite part of the project.

    I used a microplane rasp to shape around both ends and then a spokeshave for the length. I might have to build a two-necked guitar, it was so much fun.

  2. Perhaps the LARGE sparks only happen in Texas?

    It was a while back actually, I was just about to throw out the router recently and thought to ask here. I don't remember exactly how it happened, probably a few sparks, but the whole process was very quick. There is definitely a peice missing from one of the brushes.

    My dilema is simple, $15 for the possiblity of fixing the Craftsman or $90 for a new Bosch.

  3. No difference? I can't say you are wrong, but it seems counter-intuitive.

    As you know, Jazz pickups have two poles for each string. I believe they were designed this way because the wider physical vibration of bass strings demanded it. If the pickup is a couple inches from the edge of the bridge, the string will be sitting atop the inner pole. The outer pole for both the E and G will be some distance from the string.

  4. It could be worse...

    I've built the neck, with the taper set to match a hipshot B-style bridge I got from Carvin. As I'm getting set to rout the holes for the Fender Jazz pickups I just got I realize that the string spacing on the bridge is too narrow for the spacing on the bridge pickup. The pickup spacing is actually slightly wider than the bridge spacing, and I don't want it right next to the bridge anyway.

    So, as the neck must match the bridge, I guess I'm stuck with having to go a different route for pickups, either that, or make a new neck, widen the bolt-on pocket on the body, and get a different bridge.

    I guess I'm looking for pickup recommendations, or for someone to clue me in to a way to salvage my original plans.


  5. I'm moving into the final stages of putting together my first bass. The body is basswood with a Padauk top, the neck is maple and padauk, and the fingergoard is maple. I love the open pored look of the padauk, and don't usually like the thick glassy look of laquer. In Hisock's book, he has one shot of a Wal bass he describes as finished in a hard acrylic. What might this be? Would it suit the whole insturment? The basswood is so soft I'd like a little extra protection, but a few dings wouldn't really bother me that much.

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