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Posts posted by hooglebug

  1. i made a case for it. its a nice snug fit. the handle could do to be a little more towards the middle but cant be helped now - its riveted on. made a little plate to go on the front too with my logo and the guitar name and number.



    ps - there isnt a massive dip in it like the third thumbnail seems to show. camera trickery

  2. thanks everyone

    bassisgreat - heres a pic of the inlay. im a bit disappointed with it as it was better than this but i had to redo some of it


    you can also see the heavy shaping of the fretboard edge in this pic. i read and saw a pic of a tyler guitar and it sounded good so thats how i do it.

    prostheta - its just a good few coats of danish oil. it shines up really well

    someone somewhere down the line wanted to know how much it weighed when it was finished - according to my bathroom scales its about 8.5 - 9 pounds

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