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mammoth guitars

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Posts posted by mammoth guitars

  1. There are two commonly used ways to transparently finish guitars, 1) stain the wood, then clear coat over it, 2) spray tinted clear over the wood, then clear coat over it. Number 1 gives the best look but 2 is easier. Either is acceptable and both are widely used.

  2. When you're tone controls at 10, the resistance on the pot should be 0 ohm, so all the sound goes straight through the pot, and doesn't pass through the cap. Tone at 10 is like there is no tone control in the circuit. In still other words, tone controls throw away highs.

    When the tone pot is at 10 the maximum resistance of the pot is between the output signal and the cap to ground. The output signal does not go through the pot as a tone control is not wired in that way. When the resistance is lowered towards zero more signal is sent to the cap which shunts the high frequencies to ground.

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