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Posts posted by Mitchell898

  1. Thanks for the replies! I ended up leveling as much as I could and sprayed 2 more coats. The dimples were almost completely gone, 1 or 2 were still visible. I wasn't able to matte the low points and they're not visible at all in the final product. There were a couple imperfections from small knots in the maple but thats a seperate issue. Overall I'm pleased with the result. Here it is.


    Screen Shot 2021-05-02 at 9.54.04 PM.jpg

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  2. Hi everyone, I'm finishing my first guitar and i've run into an issue with the final clear coat. As you can see in the photo it's a mahogany body with a dyed maple top. The maple has dye, vinyl sealer then top coat. The rest of the body including the raw maple edge and mahogany came out great but the stained area has lots of little dimples (pinholes may not be the right word) hopefully the photo captures it well enough to see whats going on. The clear is Spraymax 2k, it's been drying for about 6 hours. My current plan is to sand the whole body as level as I can once 24 hrs has passed and recoat hoping the dimples fill in. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 


    Screen Shot 2021-04-24 at 5.23.00 PM.jpg

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