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Posts posted by Ben

  1. I'd be suspicious in believing that a thinner finish on an electric guitar makes it sound better. The pickups sense string vibration, not wood vibration, and I have a hard time believing that a thinner finish would effect resonence on a 2" thick solid piece of wood enough that it would make the string vibrate more or less. There is no proof that a thinner finish sounds better, so far it's only marketing, conjecture, and tone voodoo; probably stemming from the fact that many low end guitars have very thick poly finishes on them because it's easy to apply.

    Take it to the extreme, and make that poly finish four inches thick. How does the timber, which resonates at a specific frequency (depending on species, density, moisture content, grain structure, etc), combat the thickness of the finish? How is a strings vibration effected by the resonating frequency of the parts and timber it is fixed to? Maybe you should do a test, and it doesnt need to be on a full sized guitar, just a scrap of timber. You'll have to work out how to achieve the test, im not going to give you everything. Ive proven it to myself, and others, that a thinner (or even TYPE of) finish is without a doubt, better. Do some reading on frequencies, harmonic vibrations, sympathetic vibrations, and their effect of objects and structures. There is a lot more to building guitars, than fancy timbers.

    Oz, nice guitar. I see many simularities to my first guitar.

    of course at 4 inches it would have an effect, but surely a thin film has a negligable effect?

    Obviously I havent done tests like you have, nor am I interested enough to do them, but my common sense would suggest that of all the things on a guitar that can effect the sound, the effect of a fraction of a mm of lacquer will be negligable...

  2. I like the shape its just wayyyyyyyy to long imo. And that blue flame does look killer! :D

    I agree. Needs squashing IMO.

    Heres a crappy picture to give you an idea of what i mean:


    Edit: And even then its maybe a little too long.... I think those 2 big points need shrinking a little

  3. I'm sure you will (understandably) cry BS, but I have a guitar where I can put the action low enough that it can hold a 0.9mm plectrum between the strings and the frets* (Edit- thats at the 24th fret*). Even when its just the outer-string alone holding it there (I.e. its not just due to the fretboard radius.)

    I get a bit of fretbuzz if I pick too hard... especially on the lower, thicker strings, but thats about it. Its competely inaudible without the amp on.**

    But I find I dont really like it that low anyway.

    (**Edit#2: inaudible WITH the amp on.... typing like an idiot today)

  4. but i agree...if a self labeled "pro" on this board posted a build like that,he would be lambasted for sure...i must admit i am a bit confused about perry's stand on this one...maybe there is some sarcasm there i am not catching?but it's true i don't care that much about it.

    More like since he's a professional, he has to remain above this sort of thing. He can't take shots at another builder whose customers, at least, seem satisfied.

    Besides, there's always the risk that he'll get quoted by the guy. :D

    Perry already was quoted on there wasnt he?

    I cant be bothered trawling through all the crap on his site to check but I seem to remember he was...

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