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Posts posted by CloberellaBeatsuUp

  1. OK so I have a Squier Affinity Strat, it has been spray painted white and then Jackson Pollacked with goopy glittery gunk. If the drizzles weren't so pronounced, I might not even care. But it's too much....
    I think that the poly(ester? urethane?) gloss is still on there, as it doesn't feel like bare wood. I don't even care if what I do takes off the finish, but if possible, I'd rather just get the other paints off.
    Idk if the goopy stuff is acrylic, oil, watercolor, though I would guess acrylic? And the spray paint is under it. How do I get it off? I am afraid to sop on water or alcohol or dish soap. Or take a sharp putty knife to it and do my best?
    I don't have access to electric sander or heat gun or chemical paint strippers. I have 70% isopropyl alcohol, baking soda, water, dish soap, car wash soap, apple cider vinegar, pinesol, bleach....and sandpaper and old credit cards and my two elbows. Thank you!!!

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  2. Hey all! 1st post here, I hope it's in the right place. As relayed in this thread's title, I left boiled lemonseed oil (which I have used successfully before) on my Affinity Strat's rosewood fretboard and it left....splotches? some kind of gross-ish aftermath. So, before I go and mess it up even worse, does anyone have an idea of what may un-splotch my fretboard?? I was thinking maybe scraping with a straight edge, maybe MORE lemonseed oil (but removed after a couple minutes this time!), or maybe just play the guitar as-is and the normal wear-and-tear of sweat+skin will do the gunk removal? I will post some pictures of it here shortly...just glad that this was on one of my Squiers and not my $50,000 Chibson with gold inlays and platinum strings and also the electronics are made of wood! Thanks for any input y'all, especially constructive input!

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