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Posts posted by mvotre

  1. hi there.. im in the stage of refinishing a guitar, but as im spraying in the outside, i got some "dust" (or something like that - im not talkimg about the actual small orange peel state) on the finish. So im wet sanding this with 400 grit, just to remove those things. Should i sand all the guitar to apply clear (the sides are nice)??? and can i apply clear over the "satin" result, or should i sand it to higher grits??

    Sorry if it sound confusing, but english is not my usual language, and i think i missed some important lessons down the road :D

    thanks in advance

  2. hi there guys... im a long time stalker here, just drolling at all the great instruments you guys build :D

    but right now im with some simple question. I have a ibanez guitar, and i will remove the middle pickup, leaving me with only the two humbuckers. But, after seeing some wiring schematics on the web, i got two questions:

    1 - i just have a 5 way switch, but right now i would just use it like a 3 way switch (bridge-both-neck). its possible (just for the moment) to wire the 5 way working this way? maybe something like position 1-bridge 2,3,4 - both (just linking the positions), and position 5-neck? since i can solder pretty nice, i would like to give this setup a test before purchasing new pieces (in Brazil its a pain to find those small guitar pieces :D )

    2 - if i use this schematic here (http://www.stewmac.com/freeinfo/Electronics/Wiring_diagrams/i-0032.html), and just remove the tone control part, will it work? I believe it will, but since i cant find my book on guitar electronics, im a bit lost here B)

    sorry if those questions sound stupid, and for my horrible english :D .. and thanks in advance. hope to post some of my guitar mods here soon.

  3. The reason it sounds like crap probably isn't the UST ... especially if it sounded OK with steel strings.

    As mentioned, nylon strings don't have the tension to drive a guitar top designed for light gauge steel strings.

    Plaus, if you didn't adjust the rod, the neck is almost certainly backbowed if the rod works at all. You've got about 60% (or less) of the string tension you had before. Unfortunately, unless you've got a double action rod, that's probably out of the range of the rod. Try loosening it anyway if the neck's too straight or backbowed.

    And, like someone said, you'd probably need to raise the saddle unless the action was high before.

    well, even if a bit late, thanks for the answer ! i just replaced the nut, and it plays fine ! i got some tuning problems, specially with the bare nylon ones ! maybe i should change the tuners ?? do i need tuners for nylon, or can i use just better tuners ?

    about the electronics, i didnt liked that much the sound, even with steel strings ! but i found a new under-saddle kit, with eq and all thw fancy stuff, designed for nylon ! will put that on my guitar someday :D

  4. ??

    man, sorry for being little off topic here, but im just loving that idea right now !!!!! im thinking about geting a 7 string guitar, but i know i woldnt play it that much ! and i got a nice strat body and neck there ! can the same goes for the guitar ? i just change the nut and bridge, add a new tuner and get a 7 string?? i know the strings will be closer, but i can live with that (and if i like the all 7 string deal, just got a real 7 string ! maybe get my own strat, change the neck pocket and put in a brand new neck :D

  5. mine


    ibanez jem jr higly modded (just the body and neck original) :D

    boss gt8


    i just want to be able to play my guitar trough a true amp, without my father or my brother telling me to turn down, even when my volume is at 1 B):D ! if i could do that, then i would just go out and find a nice amp :D

  6. Got a bit more information on the nature of the 'crappy system'? Is it a magnetic pickup? Soundboard piezo? An under-saddle piezo? A jack with wires just dangling in the soundbox? B)

    Since they have no steel in them, nylons won't drive magnetic pickups.

    The soundboards of steel-string acoustics are quite a bit more stiff than nylon-strung classicals, so nylons won't drive a soundboard piezo nearly as hard as steels.

    An under-saddle peizo should work fine, but you might think about lifting the saddle to check for good uniform contact....and replace that piece of plastic with a bone saddle. B)

    the crappy system is a under-saddle piezo, but a real bad one !1 it just have a volume and a gain controler, and no batteries :D when i pluged it, i got sound but a not so nice one, so im thinking thats the bad electronics fault :D

    tomorrow i will buy a new saddle, and double check the piezo/saddle contact !

    also, later i should have no problems instaling a new under-saddle piezo, with proper controlers, right ? (besides the problem of fitting the new one in the body)

    thanks for the answers - i realy liked the neck of this guitar, sonce a normal classical guitar kill my hands in no time :D

  7. hi there ! im moding my ibanez, and i got some ideas i think would look great !

    about the guitar ! a jem jr with gotoh floyd rose, and 3 seymour duncan pups ! (i got the guitar in a trade) !

    so, i got two volume controls, and 3 humbuckers "splitable" (in the middle position i got a stacked hum)

    and i will not use all the wiring in shows !! just for playing and recording at my home, so i dont care if it will be hard to change onstage !

    i would like to:

    wire the two pots as volume controls (one for the neck and one for the bridge pups) - i never use the tone

    remove those out of phase things on the 5 way switch ! so i got only

    1 - bridge

    2 - bridge and middle

    3 - middle

    4 - middle and neck

    5 - neck

    and just put 3 mini switchs, so i can just turn on/off one coil from each one of the pups

    what do you think ? wouldnt it get me a lot of cool sounds ? if anyone got some other ideas, please post it here !

    thanks in advance

  8. i used to got two guitars with gfs pups !

    one ibanez rg321mh with fixed bridge and a gfs crusader on the bridge ! kicks ass ! i liked the sound a lot ! i actually liked it better than my other guitar with a seymour duncan JB at the bridge !

    and a SX with the 60s repro pickups or whatever they are called ! that a cool sound ! :D i sold the guitar to a all single coils guy, who used to get guitars with Fralins and texas special pups, and it just loved the tone, so it cant be bad !

    so, i think gfs sells amazing pups for the price ! its a shame i dont get any more guitars to put some in B) now i just got a ibanez jem jr, with gotoh floyd and all seymour duncans pups :D

  9. so i just played guitar learnign from the net and friends for a loooong time ! can play all that blues and stuff, but being a bit of a 80s fan (even if i dont see the real thing, cos i was born in 1981 :D ) , i tried to find a school to improve my playing ! so here i was (for 5 months) in the best school on my city, and just playing things i know (they are group classes, and i need to start from the 1 "level")

    they got 10 levels, each one with 6 months !!! :D man, i think i would just learn what i was searching for the 3 or 4 level, so i quit, and buyed the Frank Gambale Speed picking method (wich ROCKS B) ), and the berklee method (all the 3 books)

    any toughts about this book ?? i just started, and for what i already see, if teachs guitar like one would teach violin... you first learn a C major scale in 4 strings, train a bit those, then learn the others strings, and so on !

    the old stuff i learned (and all i can play) was based on the CAGED system !

    so im thinking about just starting again from the berklee, and learn their way ! its a good or bad idea ?


  10. hi there !

    and i ALREADY got a topic :D !

    but back to the point ! i bought this guitar already with a bit of wear ! all the rusted bridge, and the pickguard came with the guitar !

    so i just make it a little more "used", and aged the pickups and buttons (wich i bought brand new) i just boght two packs of cheap cigars, glued all the plastic pieces inside a bucket upside down, and put a cigar below it !

    and for aging the bare wood, i just walked in the garden, with a cup of water and came back with a cup of mud ! :D

    easy and cheap !


  11. hi there ! i made a topic for it a long time ago, but it was lost ! ?? :D

    so im posting the finished pics

    i love how if shows some "patterns" on the body, instead of just being dull for the sanding !!

    everything looks better after a little bit of fire ! :D





    close up




  12. hi, might be a little of topic, but i'm still putting it in here. my problem is. i'm going to buy a engl powerball in the next couple of weeks and also would like to buy a pod xt pro, because when i tested it out, i really like some of the effects. i also have some boss and some 19" effects. thats not much of a problem so far, but how to i plug them all into the engl amp??? i really dont need all the amp and cabinet models from the pod, because i cant think of a better sound, then the engl already has. can i use just the effects??? would be really great, if you guys could help me with this. thanks a lot.

    i believe it would be easy ! your amp got some send return jacks??

    i got a boss GT8, and i know it can be used in the send/return, but you can also just plug it in the guitar input and turn of all the kind of pre and speaker simulations !! maybe search for the manual of the amp and the pod in the net, or check it out at the store ! but if you just gonna se the effects, you should try a GT8 ! it rocks :D:D

  13. thanks lovekraft ! your answer really helped me out !

    GregP - actually, i already sended a email to the ABY builder, and he said me it would be simple to wire what i want ! and if i send my pedal, he would do it for me just for the cost of the jack and the shippings !

    but i already solved my problem, and got a few more questions (i tried to change the name of the thread, but couldnt find how)

    i got a cheap bass amp (johnson is the brand - made in china), stolen from a friend !! it got a headphone output wich was broken ! i just fixed it, and now i run my devices through the ABY, into the amp, and can use my phones in stereo ! !

    i just LOVE how that cheap amp works without "coloring" my boss gt8 signal ! but, since i will just be using it with phones at home, im thinking about givind it a bit of a upgrade !! so please, if some one can answer my questions...:

    1 - the amp is made of ....... :D (dont know the proper english name (hey, im brazilian :D ) . looks like just sawdust glued togheter.... can i make a new cabinet out of wood ??? i believe it would help the sound ? if yes, should i use real wood, os just plywood ???

    2 - if i try to change the speaker, anyone have some ideas about which ones are good ? so i can see the specs, and even if i cant find the same brand in brazil, i can try to find one with similar specs !!

    yeah, i know it would be easier just to buy i new one, but this one is just cheap enough (read free) to get some moding tests !

    and i also know that moding it, i will change the sound a lot ! but it wont change the phone sounds right ?? the only thing im planning to do with the electronics is changind the cheap pots and jacks for some better stuff !

    thanks again

  14. thanks dude ! you gave a whole new idea ! think about it :

    i got two inputs... one for the Mac, and one for the GT8 ! i just want to hear the two at the same time in my phones !

    so, if i just build a simple box, with two mono jacks, for each one of my inputs, and wire the two "hots" to a single TRS (stereo) jack, i would get the two signals on my earphones? i could also put a volume pot to control each of the inputs signal !

    Since i dont care to hear the output blended (actually the best for me would be each input in each side of the phones), this will save my ass for the moment !!!

    would it work ? i cant find why it woudnt !

    thanks again

  15. hi there ! please save some wiring stupid !

    i got a cheap ABY pedal ! but actually i just want to plug my ibook audio in "A", my boss GT8 on "B", and the output to earphones ! it works, but my phones works in mono :D ! if i just change the ABY jacks to stereo ones, would i get a stero output for my phones ? if not, any ideas on how i could achieve this ??

    thanks and sorry if it just sound too stupid ! :D

  16. hi there ! i live in brazil, and got two huge logs of avocado wood here ! they are all dried and stuff, and im just thinking about using it to build a neck through guitar neck ! im searching at google right now, and i found this:

    "True, avocado was once tested and found to be an excellent replacement for spruce in guitar and violin sounding boards, but the supply was irregular and limited. So now only local carvers benefit from the easily worked wood."

    so, would a guitar neck made from spruce works ? if i ever try to build that, i will just use a trussrod and at least two carbon rods ! but the neck, headstock, and the part that goes through the body would be just one single piece of wood ! can this work at all ? the only thing i can loose is my time, cos i got the wood for free !

    thanks for your help, and sorry for my poor english !


  17. hi there my second post here !! my name is Marcel, and i live in sunny brazil ! i love this forum as much as i love guitars, so i think i should post some of my tests !

    first its a strat ! i just bought the body and neck, and im painting and mounting ! will look cool at the end !

    second its a reaaaly cheap guitar, with that nice plywood body ! im just making some fancy guitar ! i need to cut a bit more the flames ! any ideas, feel free to draw over my picture ! the thing will be actually more filler than wood, but i really dont care ! if it looks good at the end, i can just rebuild one with some nice wood !

    thats it for the moment ! thanks for looking, and i will post updtaes ASAP !

    PS: hope that linking thing works



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