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Posts posted by Firefox2551

  1. Hey guys, Ive been thinking about the body shape for my next guitar and I think I want to go with something thats asymetrical. Not like a thunderbird or something though, here is the best way to explain it.


    I own that bass, see the way its shifted? So that there are nice flowing lines?

    I'm thinking the horns and basic shape of the Ibanez S-series.


    But slightly shifted like the peavey bass, to give that elegant shape. I also need REALLY good upper fret access (24 fret) because I actually do use those and on alot of guitars I've played its almost impossible to get to them without radically shifting my hand position.

    Other info.

    HSH, FR trem, 1 vol 1 tone, 1 5-way switch, two mini switches.

    If someone could either show me how to draw this out or mabye work with me on it that would be much appreciated! Thanks!

  2. Depends, some 24's have an overhang for the last two, like warmoth necks, those will fit in a 22 fret neck's pocket, but the fretboard will hang over a little,

    you'd have to make sure your pup's were far enough away that there is room for the extra two frets.

    On necks that the neck heel and fretboard both stop in the same place will not fit with out routing the neck pocket out a little.

  3. Well, looks like this might turn out to be more of a pain than I thought.

    You know what I may just do?

    I'm thinking of just saving the money, picking up an Ibanez 7 string on ebay for parts, take the fretboard off the neck, truss rod out, tuners and everything too, then building neck-thru-body and just installing the ibanez parts in that. It'll only end up costing as much as the parts guitar+ the wood and tools, so mabye a few hundred bux. It'd cost about that much to retrofit the strat anyway.

    I may also pick up a nicer trem like the wilky to throw in the stat eventually.

    Comments on the parts guitar idea?

  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought no floyd systems were radius adjustable, without shims.....

    In that case, wha anoth good Floyd? I know Brian Calvert has a bunch on his site.


    He has a few in the $100+ range, those any good?

    Can you just bomb with it? I Mostly want the floyd systems for up-bends, the trem on my strat now works ok for bombs but after the first real big one, the whole thing goes outa whack.

  5. I've know people with the wilkinsons and gotten mixed reviews. Depends on what you are using it for I guess. Some like um some hate um.

    I've played some bad floyds in the time I've been playing and if this one is even just better than those I'd at least be worth a try, I could always send it back and get a better one.

    I may go for the pearloid one, depends on what pickups colors he ends up having, if he only have black/zebra and covered's I'd go covered and pearloid. If He has white open coils I'd only get one pup' for the bridge and go with a white guard.

  6. Ha ha, I know,

    Its an evil thing to do to a strat, but the trem on there now is just aweful, when I use the bar and let it swing, it makes all kinds of terrible noise.

    I only paid mabye $250 for is and its only an MIM so I have no quams about upgrading it, I plan on building myself a strat from scratch sometime in the future too.

  7. Hey all!

    I'm thinking of turning my Fender Mexi strat into a superstrat style guitar. With a floyd rose and a humbucker in the bridge.

    This is the Guitar Fetish trem I was looking at.


    Anyone know the radius? Has anyone tried it?

    And here are the pickups.


    Anyone have experience with those?

    I'm looking at either the "Fat PAF's" or the "Crunchy PAF's" It looks like I will have to go with the ones with chrome covers, since my strat is white the black or zebra's won't look quite right. I also will want to put in a push/pull pot for coil taps. I also want to use the middle pickup tone control for the bridge instead of the middle pickup.

    What will I have to do to complete the floyd retrofit?

    I'll have to do some routing to make the floyd fit obviously, do I have to route the rear cavity or just the top rout? My strat uses the 6 bolt vintage style trem with the bent steel saddles and everything. I'll need to drill two holes for the anchor bolts correct? I have access to a real nice drill press so should I use that?

    Also with the locking nut I'm a little unsure as to what I should do, I'll have to do something with the nut slot and screw down the nut somehow but whats the best tools to use and the best way to go about the process?

    Has anyone done this retro fit before? Thanks guys!

  8. I thought the Swirl Universe Jems Looked pretty darn cool.... :D

    Looks like a "replica" if its fit to call it that.

    I personally really like "brown" guitars.

    I like really beautiful woods and I like oil finishes. I really like the feel of oil finishes and they seem to be easy to keep clean looking. (IE no polishing!)

    The White with Gold Jems are some of the most beautiful guitars ever created in my opinion, they seem to be able to look radical and mellow at the same time.

    I'll build one some day...... and a Tele, and a 7 string strat, and a double neck and a 6 string bass and a 4 string bass, and a 7 string of my own design and a 6 string of my own design then baritone versions of all the guitars and then..........

    I really need a full time job........

  9. I would say the scale length has nothing to do with it. Ever heard a Baritone tele? Sure sounds like a tele still to me.

    Pickups are probably close to 50% of the tele's sound, the bridge plate has alot to do with it also, then the Neck, and the Alder or Swamp ash bodies also have their respective influence on the sound.

    About the intonation, what if you had a bunch of little triangular saddles? That sit staggered, on this way ^ and then one this way v so it would look like this from the front of the saddle, ^v^v^v that way you could squish them all in there, the angles would not obviously be perfect triangles because a string wouldn't sit on top of that, mabye more like wedges.

  10. I've always found Tele's pretty cool.

    Unfortunatly any of the ones I've ever played had a real thick neck that makes my wrist sore. I always play with my thumb behind the neck in the "classical" position, instead of hanging my thim over on the "Blues position".

    So I like think Necks, the wizards are like heaven to my hands.

    Someday I may build a tele with a nice thin neck though. That would solve the problem.

  11. Hey guys!

    Well, it seems my little brother wants to get rid of his Peavey JF-1 That we got for him a year or so ago, he decided he'd rather play bass.

    We paid $350 for it but i know for certain they will give us more on a trade in than if we just straight sold it to them.

    So I told him that he would get more money if I took the guitar in and traded it for another guitar. And i would pay him back.

    So what I'm looking for is a used Ibanez RG or S with a floyd and preferably HSH pickups to use for parts. I know Ibanez mostly uses basswood and I'd like to make my own body from mahogany and just put the Ibanez parts in it. I think that would be cheaper than paying for all the parts brand new and it would give me some good experience.

    Here is a list of the RG's they have at daddys right now.


    other than whats on the list, whats something good to look for used in the $250-$300 range? I've heard good things about the RG 5xx and the RG 7xx series.

    looking for one with a....

    Floyd bridge,

    HSH pickups.

    Body wood doesn't matter.

    Other than that I can deal with any hardware color, fretboard material, etc.

    I know I ask alot of questions and you guys have been very helpful in the past so please have patience with me :D I'm still learnig alot

    Thanks guys! God Bless!

  12. Thats that bump ot thats shaped a little like the heel of a neck right? Except its on the headstock.

    My Schecter Omen-7 has one, its a hardtail, also I've seen that Ibanez SZ-320's have them. I like them for comfort. I can see how they would add strength though.

    Mine starts about the middle of the first fret and comes to the point at right behind the nut.

  13. He he, thanks!

    I've been meaning to get the book, now I have an excuse :D

    What exactly do i do to "tap" it?

    Smack it with a hammer? Hit it with my hand? What am I listening for?

    Its very heavy stuff, flatsawn, its usually used for building barns. so I have no idea if its dry enough. but I doubt they'd use it in construction if its liable to bow (big no no in barns)

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