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Posts posted by Firefox2551

  1. Hey guys!

    I was at my construction job the other day and they had these pieces of scrap wood so I took few of the larger ones.



    The inventory list goes.....

    8 boards 24" X 8" X 1 3/4"

    8 Boards 16" X 8" X 1 3/4"

    The wood is Hemlock I belive.

    I figure the longer pieces are big enough to glue together for body blank style pieces. then the others I'll just use for practicing routing or the bidge, trem cavity, picups routs etc.

    The long skinny pieces I could use for practice gluing neck laminates and heel carving as I'll be building neck throughs. A few of them are bowed pretty bad so I'll only use the straight ones and lotsa clamps. I don't need them super straight and true anyway because they aren't for a real neck.

    Please keep in mind I will not actually be using any of these pieces as finished bodies or anything, this is just some scrap so I can get some routing, body shaping, gluing, sanding, and heel carving under my belt before I scrw up some nice mahogany body blank.

    Now that I have the pieces I'm not really sure what to do, I don't have any templates or anything either.

    Can somebody take me through the process as if I was actually building a body from these peices?

    Thanks guys!

  2. Arighty,

    I absolutely loved it so much I had to get it.

    It wasn't very hard to get used to the feel, chords you can hang your thumb over to mute the B or you can just skip it while strumming.

    Scales aren't all that hard to figure out, you just look at the 2nd string an whatever notes are on that string you simply move to the 7th.

    Looks like I get an excuse to build a couple matching guitars. :D

    A six and a seven.

  3. If it was in really bad shape you'd see big open cracks from the neck being under tension.

    I doubt if you had to redo the head that it would be very expensive if you do most of the work yourself. All the hardware is there.

    Like crafty said, worst case scenario is you'd have to cut off the hurt part and put a new scarf on.

  4. Simple answer, No.

    Complicated answer.

    Its Not worth it because say you are buying a custom Les Paul, Gibson charges alot extra for that name on the headstock. You could probably have almost any of the great guitar builder on here build you one, more custom, and BETTER than a Gibson for mabye 3/4 to 1/2 the price. I always say if you are paying over $2500 you are paying too much. Wood only costs so much and hardware only costs so much. Its someones time and their skills you are paying for after that.

  5. Nightfly, no I was saying if I wanted to put one in the Schecter. It wouldn't make much sense to do the routing after the top..... Lol.

    Maiden, I was a carvin fan for a Looooong time, I was actually planning on buying a DC 747 this summer but I decided to build a guitar instead.

    I have the guys at Daddys holding the Schecter Omen-7 for me, I'm gonna go look at it in person either tomorrow or tuesday. Its supposed to be in like new condition.

    Like I said I have a nice epiphone les paul that I get almost no use at all out of so I think a trade would be worth it, I plan on playing the 7 for 2 or 3 hours before I decide though.

  6. I was actually just lookinh at it anf thinking that I have seen carved top guitars with FR's in them, could I route out this one for a 7 string floyd?

    I would have to rig up some kind of jig to make sure the route is level though.

    What about the locking nut? what do I have to do to get that on? I know there is at least some modifying to the nut slot but that about the neck bolts?

  7. Thanks guys!

    I am always checking ebay, I actually just looked at my local daddys and they have a Schecter Omen-7 for $260 in like new condition, here are the specs on that guitar http://www.schecterguitars.com/spec.asp?id=32

    Basswood body, bolt on maple an rosewood neck, somewhat similar to the Ibanez JS 7 in construction.

    I'm going to go try it out as soon as I can.

    I'm thinking of trying to trade my epi les paul for it that I got for $350 from there, its in just about the same condition I bought it in so I'm hoping they'll give me at least $200 or a straight up trade for it. The neck on the les paul is just to thick for my hands, I like its sound, but not its feel. and I don't like the sound THAT much. Lol

    Thanks fellas!

  8. Hey guys!

    I'm thinking about building a 7-string instead of a 6 for my next build but I'd like to get one to try out first. Whats a good one to look for used? I'd rather not pay much over $200 but I Could go to $300 is I save a little longer.

    I see alot of the Schecter Omens and Jackson dinky's for in the $250's or so. But I'd rather have one with a floyd.

    I suppose if I got one that was a flat top I could install a floyd myself but that defeats the purpose of having one to try out.

    I don't really like the feel of baritone guitars, they are great if you are a chord guy, but I play mostly lead stuff

    and i think it might be a little easier for me to get used to having that extra string, I've heard some people say that they are hard to get used to not hitting the low B string, I do alot of stuff on the A string so I am pretty used to being careful not to hit ajacent strings, I've also heard they are a little hard to get used to chording, but don't you have to learn how to skip strings while chording anyway? Whats one extra?

    So basically I'm looking for a double cutaway 7-string with a floyd rose, HH or HSH pickups, bolt or neckthru, I'd prefer something not too radical looking, I can deal with mabye an RG or something though, I always thought SG's are more radical looking than RG's but thats just me.

    Thanks guys!

  9. It depends,

    Some old school guys will swear by a single, others will tell you a double, but I like the two ways, they seem to be much more adjustable and you can tweak then more than a single, I did hear something on hear about a guy who got a single to work like a double by routing the truss rod slot some special way? Can somebody confirm this or deny it?

    It also has to do with the type of neck you are making, different woods react differently. Also neck-thru versus bold on or set are different too.

    Could you get us some more info?

  10. Of course.

    My opinion is my own, each person has their own view of certain things. I certainly don't mean to say emo is "bad" or anything. Or that it can't reach people, stranger things have happened.

    In my perception I like the more quiet praise and worship kind of music, because I know how much that kind of music moves my friends and I. And I have firsthand seen the effects of that music, I have seen emo, the effects are different not bad, different thats all.

  11. There are different ways of doing it, personally, I would glue my top and back together first, that way when you start routing or whatever to shape the body, you don't have to do it twice, but you do have to be careful with some figured woods as they can tear out.

    I would put the top on, route the body oversized, and hand sand to final dimensions to avoid tear out.

  12. Ok I did some price lookin'

    Warmoth is the lowest I've found the OFR's and Schallers So far.

    $170 in Chrome with locking nut for the OFR.

    $155 for the Schaller Floyd in Chrome, also with locking nut.

    OFR is Solid Hardened stainless throughout.

    Schaller is mostly die-cast with hardened edge fulcrum points.

    Can someone get me some real detailed info on The Floyds and Ibanez trems? Finding things like radius can be a pain.

  13. Hey all, I'm just picking out parts for my next guitar and I would like to hear everyones opinion on the Floyd rose style trems.

    I kinda like the liscensed schaller one because of the low profile but my primary concerns are price, longevity (IE knives that don't quit) and how well the trem stays in tune. Cosmetics on a gigantic pie of twisted metal are somewhat of a forgone conclusion.

    Now if I can find a good balance between those 3 factors I believe that would be the best trem for me, I would go Kahler if I had one to try and they weren't so darn expensive.

    Also, whats even the difference between all the Ibanez trems?

    Lo-pro this edge that edge pro edge pro 1 2 what does that all have to really do with the trem? Are they better than The regular liscenced Floyds or OFRs?

    Thanks guys, hope I don't start an opinion war here...

  14. So you have some oddball pieces and things?

    Would you happen to have some special bits of maple and mahogany?

    I need some mahogany and maple strips for a laminated thru neck, about 40" long pieces 1/2 and inch wide (because I want to taper them) and about 2 inches deep.

    I also need two mahogany peices about 6 inches wide 2 inches deep and about 22 inches long(body wings). I need the stuff a bit oversized just in case I change my design slightly once I see the wood, I'd like to get the wings from the same board at least for some color consistency.

    If you want to e-mail me about it instead of posting it here thats fine, my e-mail is firefox2551@yahoo.com

    Thank so much! Josiah.

  15. I for one, am not a fan of screaming in music, period.

    BUT I grew up with a sister who has been in training to be a professional oprah singer for about 11 years now, oprah is what I consider a "pure" form of singing, it has the most technically correct techniques for singing, least damaging to your voice, best projecting, most accurate to the notes, etc.

    Now I am the most rebellious of my siblings you could say, sure I may listen to a breaking benjamin song or two once in a while, as someone said before, I would rather hear "yelling" as opposed to screaming, in screaming you lose nearly all control over your voice and its EXTREMELY damaging to vocal chords, I'm sure in 20 years all these "emo" or whatever the correct term for it is, singers will have gone horse, ever heard the lead singer from Skillet? His voice is shot.

    I personally don't really like emo for another reason, musically it is just not interesting enough for me to listen to, its 3-4 minutes of a couple guys playing powerchords (nothing wrong with powerchords) and a guy screaming that I can't tell if he is saying F*** You or More Pooh. That is a symptom of listening to Pat Metheny and Joe Satriani, I've really grown to like the sound of complex compositions.

    Also, I've been to a concert with 4, yes FOUR emo bands in one night, to me they all sounded the same, loud, distorted, and if they were a radio would have turned them off.

    On another note, I am also a christian, to me nothing in this world is as important as living for Christ, and I just don't see how all this screaming and everything else helps that. If your audience can only hear you yelling and can't understand what you are saying, how is the message of salvation through Jesus Christ supposed to get through?

    I have dedicated my life to God and bringing as many people to heaven to be with him as I can, that means I must find the most effective way to reach people, and for me, emo isn't it.

    (disclaimer, the opinions posted above are entirely mine and in no way reflect the opinions of Projectguitar.com :D )

  16. Hi, The pickups, are those the Select series ala the ones here on Stew mac? http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Electronics,_p...For_Guitar.html

    I need some new pickups for a project guitar and Hss seams just about right.

    The Poles are strat spaced right?

    if you could get me some more info and pictures that would be super,


    Oh and what about that peavey raptor? is that a neck or a guitar?

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