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Posts posted by Gizmo

  1. Not sure if you guys can get hold of them on your side of the pond but i've been doing some testing with gamesworkshop citadel inks mixed into 2 part boat epoxy for use on a black ceruse finsh/grain filling on some ash

    Those inks are used by model makers for detailing/darkening and sofar the black i've used mixed well with the epoxy and stay black once it dried so might be worth testing if you can find them or something similar

  2. Hi Jon

    Im looking for a piece of wenge for a 7 string bass project im planning atm so its needs to be

    29" x 5" x 1/4"

    and can you slot for 24 frets(+ a zero fret) on a 34" scale?

    (i know that would only need about a 26" board but id like the excess 3" over at the 24th fret end for shaping into the body)

    also im UK based so do you paypal so any idae what the total would be for a piece like that + slotting + shipping via usps air?

    dam thats a lot of questions hehe but not to many i hope!



  3. Np goat glad to help out

    i was just browsing(a long time lurker) and thought id do a quick photo chop for you as i know i spent hours in PS before comitting to a design and i think it really helps

    i gotta admit i think the exposed core would look really sweet as the maple has a nice contrast against the walnut

    it just has more of that cool Carl Thompson vibe about it with NT than a covered top

    Any hows i look forward to seeing this build progress & i'll try a pop up a build thread of my own soon as im building(and have been on off for 6 months,my first build) a SC 6 string headless bass atm



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