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Posts posted by DaveK

  1. I was wondering what the best way to repair "dings" on a guitar body is.

    I am working re-finishing a friend's PRS body & there are some VERY deep dents in the wood (think in therms of a Phillips head screwdriver being stabbed into the wood).

    I was planning on using wood putty to fill it, sand it smooth & paint it since I wll be painting a solid color anyway.

    Any other ideas?

    This body has definately seen better days!

    Thanks in advance for any input


  2. Anyone interested it a copy of the VERY VERY VERY hard to find video of Eric Johnson performing on Austin City Limits?

    Quality is good & his performance is stelar (of course)

    Since this is not a retail version (contact me for information). I will send it for the cost of the Tape + shipping packaging & handling (wink-wink..nudge-nudge..)

    Let me know if you are interested


  3. TOLS are great!

    The best amp I have ever had (for the money) was a Marshal JCM 800 that Bruce did a MEGADRIVE for me on....Like NOTHING you have ever heard!

    I hate myself for selling it!!!!

    I think he is still doing Amp mods,,,,Great way to geet the Bruce tone at a low cost!


  4. Well, I have to sell a bunch of stuff to try & pay for some MAJOR car damage!!!

    I am selling the following items, please let me know if you are interested

    These will be first come-first served!

    Of course these items can be purchased individually

    1) 2 black humbucking pickup rings

    2) a BRAND new pre-slotted 22 fret fender scale (25.5) indian Rosewood fretboard blank

    3) An RG 550 black pickguard

    4) An RG 550 Neck humbucking Pickup

    5) An RG 550 Middle single coil pickup

    6) Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force-Live 1985 VHS video Concert

    7) The House of Kolor-The Art of Marblizing Video

    I will have more items to sell.....Including some VERY hard to find Paul Gilbert stuff.

    Please E-mail me with any questions


  5. I am selling a VHS copy of "THE ART OF MARBILIZING". I have viewed only ONCE!

    I was going to try this on a guitar, but just don't have the time

    This video shows you all of the effects available using the HOK Marblizer Artistic Bases.

    Step-by-step video covers: basecoats, two-toned marblizing, Kandy coats, clears, and color sanding & polishing.

    Is anyone interested?

    Dave K

  6. I know this subject was raised once before...

    I just finished a KILLER guitar body (I will post soon!)

    I want to create a routing template on Medium Density Fiberboard (or plexiglass) so I can duplicate it

    Is there a way to use a bearing router bit to follow the body shape & route the template out on the Medium Density Fiberboard?

    Also, will I be able to use a bearing bit on Plexiglass?

    I know there is the risk of scratching the finish on the original, but I think it would be MUCH more accurate that tracing the body on the Fiberboard, Cutting with a jigsaw, sanding and then using that template.

    Can anyone help?

    Dave K

  7. G-urr-a:

    There is an automotive Paint company called "House of Kolor".

    They specialize in unique paint colors & technigues.

    The Crimson swirl that you refer to is close to a technique that the House of Kolor has that is called "marbelizing"

    The video that I have from them shows the step by step process & materials needed to achieve the finish. Although they show it on a car, It can easily be applied to a guitar body

    It involves paint, plastic wrap, and a special solution called MARBELIZER that reacts wih the paint in a way that makes the paint look like marbel

    The video tape is always up on e-bay, just look for "house of Kolor"

    Or if you want, e-mail me & I can tell you how much my copy is (as I will be selling soon).

    Hell, if Jeremy or Brian promise to do a tutorial, I will give them a free copy of the tape as well!!!

    Hope this is a little more clear



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